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Posted over 4 years ago

Partners with Different Mindsets

My life has changed dramatically since focusing on my mindset in the past weeks. I don't know if everyone experiences such big increases as we have, but it's happening, and the only thing that has changed is my mindset. 

My husband and I have been working this real estate business for a few years now. Roger has always been the optimist dreamer in the family. If you ask him if he knows how to do something, he'll say yes. He'll figure out how to do it with success. That wasn't me, and I felt like it was a difference in our personalities. Now I realize it wasn't! 

When I really see an area in my life that needs strengthening, I start working on it. Books, podcasts, my Mastermind group, and friends who speak into my life in a positive way ... these are some of my strategies for personal and career development. 

Books that helped me make a change include The Big Leap, The Joy of Genius, You are a BadAss at Making Money, The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library, and Zero Limits. Seriously, if you read these books without seeing any improvement in your life and/or career, I'm going to question if you really read them. 

Two changes in my daily life pretty much accounts for the major increases I'm seeing in my life. First, as quickly as I recognize a negative thought in my mind, I say - in my mind, that's not true. And, I say the truth in my mind. For example, if I think, I can't do that, I say, that's not true, I can find out how to do that. Try it, it will change your life, and you'll have fewer and fewer negative thoughts blocking your path to success. 

The other change is affirmations. Now, I've read about affirmations for years, but pretty much dismissed those as a bunch of "hooie". (Yeah, look up the definition of that word - nonsense, silly.) Boy was I wrong. Read the books above to learn more. I've started reading these affirmations daily. Create your own! 

     I expand in abundance, success and love every day as I inspire others to do the same. 

     I am sparking the energy of joy and playfulness all the time. 

     Life is fun and full of wonderful surprises and magic. 

     It's safe for me to make income leaps. 

     I believe in myself and trust in my abilities to succeed in all I do. 

     I am focused on completing the tasks that increase the success of my business. 

     What I focus on grows, so I focus on my successful business. 

     I create daily opportunities for growth for myself and others. 

     My business dreams align with my core values. 

That's just the beginning of my daily list of affirmations I read in the morning and again in the evening. And, my life has changed! I'm more willing to take risks. Follow through with tasks are easier for me to do on a daily basis. And, my newfound focus on our business is resulting in more opportunities for deals. 

If you are the glass half empty partner, decide that you can change and you will. If you are the glass half full partner, buy them the books above, and maybe share my blog with them. They may surprise you! 

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