Septic Systems 101 for Home Buyers
Friday, March 27
If you’re a city dweller who is looking for a home in the suburbs, you’re likely looking at homes with septic for the first time. This situation tends to make buyers nervous. It needn’t. Let’s take an overview of what a simple septic system is, how it’s maintained, and what you can do if you’re ...
4 Features to Look for when Choosing a Property Rental Service
Tuesday, March 24
If you’re thinking of using a property rental service for your Spain holiday rental or apartment for rent, there are some key features you should look for before committing. You’ll want the best possible service while also earning maximum profits for your vacation rental. Here are five major feat...
Avoid Foreclosure: An Option That Many Do Not Know About
Tuesday, March 24
If you are among one of the over 1.4 million homeowners facing this foreclosure, there may be a creative technique to save your home and salvage your equity. The last thing that you want to do is give your home back to the lender. Foreclosures are a growing dilemma for many homeowners in the Unit...
You Very Own Condo Buying Guide
Tuesday, March 24
Condo or condominium is a housing option that looks like an apartment complex. Condo ownership lets the owner own the condo only not the land. Condo owners have to pay a monthly fee for maintaining common areas. Generally, the association of property owners manages condominiums. Owners of a co...
All you Should Know Before Buying Commercial Real Estate
Tuesday, March 24
Buying or renting, is the question many business people ask themselves around the 1st of the month, when comes the time to write their rent check. Commercial real estate isn’t for the traditional real estate investor and it’s a specific niche that can take time learning. Although the ins and out...
Is a Home Inspection a Good Idea?
Tuesday, March 10
To avoid “buying a pig in a poke,” buyers have long demanded the closing on a home purchase be contingent upon a satisfactory inspection by a home inspection firm. In many parts of our country, we’re now experiencing a strong sellers’ real estate market and sellers often receive more than one p...