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Why you might not want to use the 1% rule.

Tuesday, October 29

I learned the "1% rule" from listening from the BP podcasts, and quickly adopted it as a way to analyze deals in seconds to see if they are worth further investigation. For anyone reading this that isn't familiar with the 1% rule, it simply states that if you can receive 1% of a properties purcha...

Will Your Next Deal Cost you Further Deals?

Thursday, October 10

If you have a few investment properties, or are even just planning to purchase your first, make sure the next deal doesn't hurt you going forward. It might seem like getting another property in your portfolio is always a good thing, but it is very important to not handcuff yourself down the road....

Is it Better to be Good in a Bad Market or Bad in a Good market?

Wednesday, October 02

Are you better off investing where you know, even if the market isn't ideal, or finding a location that works better, but you know nothing about? I know this is an age old debate, but I thought I'd give my opinion.  Obviously this is dependant on how extreme the market comparisons are. Living on ...

Why Vancouver Island is Recession Resistant.

Saturday, September 28

The next recession is always on the way. I'm not a glass half empty kind of guy but I also want to protect myself and strategize for an inevitable downturn. The next downturn could be tomorrow, or in five years, and it could last for a couple of months, or years, and it might see the market flatt...

One Stop Shop for BC investing knowledge!

Wednesday, September 25

Hello BiggerPockets community!  First and foremost I want to send a big thanks to everyone at BP. The knowledge I have gained from the podcasts, blogs and forums has been key to growing my passion for real estate and has played a major role in my success as an investor. BP has also introduced me ...