Andddd... there's the first step in action
Started packing today.
That's it. Enjoy the value of this post :)
Just kidding. But not really.
We actually started packing today. As I said in one my previous posts, one of our steps is to get financially free. One of the biggest payments was a mortgage that just didn't really make any sense.
Our first house, we were on point. Mortgage fit the bill and was extremely #worth. Our second house was one of those classic upgrade mistakes. Two young adults, both getting pay raises and new positions at a job, trading in their "starter" home and cashing into a larger one with almost just the minimum down payment.
Ya... don't do that.
I definitely think you should get a house vs rent when you feel comfortable to take that step in your life. (Not everyone can live with roomies all their life, especially if you have kids.) But I do 100% believe that you should stay in your "starter" home until you are really ready to upgrade. And I mean really ready.
Do you have 20% down payment saved? Is the mortgage still doable (and you're able to survive on more than just ramen) if you or your significant other loses their job? Have at least 3-6 months of expenses saved up? Is your current house really that bad that you need to upgrade? Is your potential future house really that great that you need to upgrade? Did you think about it for more than 2 minutes?
I can check some of those boxes off, but not many...
Any who, very excited about the packing. My lovely wife actually started already today and it's wonderful! We are also downsizing and selling a ton of things on Facebook's marketplace, OfferUp and Craigslist. It's fun!
See y'all next time!