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First baby step and cutting fat

Tuesday, August 27

It's time to get hard. But for real, if you haven't seen this movie, go check it out! It's HILARIOUS! First step for our REI plan is to save up some $. Here's what I did to really cut all the fat. I pulled up budget that we use to for our monthly expenses. I totaled the highest expenses to the t...

Plans.. are always changing!

Tuesday, August 27

Hi there! Plans a changing! Started listening to Set for Life by Scott Trench.. you guessed it. Planning to save $ first now and possibly "house hack." Fortunately for my wife and I we are pretty much debt free of all "bad debt" as he puts it. Except a mortgage. We were blessed enough to be able...

My plan | Part 2 | The books

Tuesday, August 27

What books am I planning to take on in the education portion of my journey? Here's my list: Real estate investment for dummiesThe 5 million dollar bookBuilding wealth one house at a timeThe book on investing in real estate with no money downWhat every real estate investor needs to know about cash...

My plan | Part 1 | Outline

Tuesday, August 27

Here's my plan to reach my goals: Step 1a - GET DEBT FREE. Spend 6 months to a 1 year getting financially debt free and saving. Step 1b - EDUCATE. I'll be educating myself with all the REI books, audio books, podcasts and videos I can find. Step 1c - PLANNING. I'll be taking notes and mapping out...