It’s Okay to NOT Be Ready!
Sometimes we get so caught up in preparing for the next big thing, that we paralyze ourselves. It’s time to get over that.
Almost everyone I work with in my coaching business has some kind of “analysis paralysis.” They get to a point where they are so overwhelmed with the decisions they need to make that all forward progress is stopped.
Sound familiar? It probably does, because most people have experienced this in their lives. This is especially common for people starting out in the real estate industry, but it can also apply to anyone who is looking to make a major change in their life.
And I want to tell you one thing about analysis paralysis…
It’s OKAY to NOT be ready! You should be okay with NOT knowing the exact right answer! Be okay with feeling overwhelmed! It’s a good thing!
These are all natural feelings that are inevitable when you’re taking on a new venture. When you first get into real estate, you’re not going to be able to gather all the information you need to make every “correct” decision. You’re never going to be able to have all the knowledge you need to avoid failure entirely.
To put it bluntly, you’re never going to be 100% ready! And that’s okay.
When you’re getting into real estate or starting a new business, you’ll never be 100% ready… No one ever is! So, what’s the best way to start?
The best way to start with real estate is to take baby steps. Take some type of action that will move you one step forward—no matter how small that step is. It might be reading an article, buying a course, or calling someone in the industry.
Here’s why this is the best method…
Baby steps are the best way to start something new because once you take one step, the next step becomes clear. As you begin to take these baby steps, you will gather the information you need. You’ll fill in the gaps and you’ll become more and more prepared until you’re eventually 100% ready!
Once you become comfortable with not being ready, you’ll move faster than you ever thought was possible. And if you can’t get comfortable with not being ready, you’ll stand still until you change your mindset. No one ever made a successful business by waiting until they were 100% ready.
The key is to start with baby steps and then work from there. It’ll all become clear...
Are you okay with NOT being ready? What are the baby steps you’re going to take to start moving forward in your business or your life?