Don’t Listen to the Herd!
The simplest way to get above average? Stop listening to average people.
I have a question for you: Do you think the majority of people are overly successful?
The answer is obvious… No. The majority of people are average—they’re not at the top of their industry and they’re not overly successful.
Successful people do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. No matter how long it takes, what it costs, or how many obstacles are in their path—they’ll keep going, day in and day out. Most people are not like that.
To be honest, most people are lazy, broke, and unsuccessful. I’m not trying to be mean, it’s just the reality of the situation.
What is the herd?
I call that majority “The Herd.” These are the people who set out to achieve their goals but stop as soon as they hit resistance. Or they give up because it’s taking too long. Or they can’t put the hours in to be successful.
The problem is that most of us listen to the herd. The herd is all around us and they’re telling us what to do or how to act. They’re telling you that you’re going to fail or that you made the wrong decision or that you should do something else… And when you listen to the herd, that’s exactly what happens—you fail.
We all need to stop listening to the herd. Which begs the question, “Who should I listen to?”
There is only one group of people you want to listen to. It’s incredibly simple and I’m going to be blunt about this because, well, that’s how I operate…
You should only listen to the people who have done it. Period. End of story.
If you want to be successful, you should listen to successful people and no one else. Because they are going to tell you how to get there, they’ll show you what it takes, and they’ll keep you going. You’re going to hit resistance and roadblocks along the way—and if you listen to the herd, you’ll fail. If you listen to the experts, you’ll get there.
Think about it this way…
Would you take fitness advice from an out-of-shape person? Would you take life advice from someone who is unhappy and miserable? Would you take sales advice from someone who can’t sell?
Would you take real estate advice from someone who’s never sold a home?
OF COURSE NOT! So stop taking advice from anyone else, and start listening to the people who have done it (and only them). It’s really that simple.
To put this into practice in your life, you can use a simple exercise. Write down the following sentence and fill in the blanks.
I don’t take ______ from people who have not done ______.
It’s that easy.
So, who are you going to STOP listening to?