When is the Best Time to Call Sellers?
It’s time we tackle this age-old question…
Everyone in real estate wants to know the answer to this one question: “When is the best time to make calls?!”
It’s an age-old question, and with literally thousands of calls under my belt, I feel qualified to provide an answer. In our case, we’re talking about calling sellers for terms deals. These are people who are looking to sell their house. Our job is to make contact, explain our terms process, and get them to commit to a deal.
Here’s what we’ve learned over the years when it comes to making calls…
The simple answer
If you came here looking to find the best time and day of the week to make calls, I’m happy to give you my answer. I have to add the caveat, however, that these are simply the times I’ve found to work best in my business and my area. These may or may not work for you. That being said…
Thursdays between 5:00 to 7:00PM and Saturdays between 9:00AM to 1:00PM are generally the best times to make calls to sellers if you want to reach more per the time you dial.
But let me be clear...
I’ve been doing calls in some capacity inside the real estate space since 1991 (yes, I know I’m dating myself) and I do them on my schedule—period. If they’re motivated, they’ll call back. I’m going to say it throughout this article, but the reality is that picking up the phone and getting calls done is far more important than the time you make the calls.
With that being said…
Thursdays and Saturdays are good days because you’re likely to catch someone at a good time, when they’re not stressed out or busy. And that means you are more likely to get a few extra minutes in.
Those few extra minutes are key. That’s an open door for you—just a few minutes will allow you to go more in-depth on your process and how it can benefit them, giving you a much better chance of converting a prospect.
So, why Thursday and Saturday? And why the specific times?
Well, Thursday is a good day because people are on the tail end of their week. They’re over hump day, the week is almost over, and they’re probably less stressed out than they were on Monday.
Five to seven is a good time to call because they’re just getting off work or they may even be on their way home from work. They have a few minutes to chat. Plus, since it’s a Thursday as opposed to a Friday, they probably don’t have much going on.
Saturday morning is also a good time to call because, once again, most people don’t have anything going on. They’re a lot more likely to chat for a few minutes.
So, there you have it! Those are the two best times we’ve found to call sellers. But there’s a little bit more to it than that…
You just need a schedule
Here’s the deal. Yes, there are a few great days and times to make calls. But is calling during these times going to make or break your business? No.
You may not be able to make calls during the times I suggested. And that’s okay. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter.
What matters is that you set a schedule and you stay consistent. It really doesn’t matter when you make your calls, as long as you make them! Don’t avoid making calls because you can’t do them on Thursdays or Saturdays… Set your own schedule and be consistent.
Because here’s the simple reality…
You’re always more likely to make deals when you’re picking up the phone!
As long as you can pick up the phone and make calls on a consistent basis, you will make deals. I guarantee it.
Do you have a schedule for making calls? What days and times have you found work best?