When’s the Last Time You RAN After Something?
How two wise words from a two-year old can help you start sprinting toward your goals…
My grandson has recently added a few words to his vocabulary… And they have become his two favorite words, so we’re hearing them a lot. (If you have young children, this probably sounds familiar.)
The two words are “run” and “go.”
He’s having a lot of fun with these words and he loves saying them any chance he gets. But to me, there’s something more to it than just the words. Every time I hear those words, they echo in my head. I think to myself, “How can I run faster? How can I get up each and every day and GO?”
It got me thinking about just how valuable this can be. Here’s what I mean…
Running after your goals
When is the last time you RAN after something? And I don’t mean physically running, I mean running after your goals…
When is the last time you put together a plan to accomplish something and started sprinting towards it? When is the last time you woke up in the morning and immediately started running after your goals?
Chances are, you haven’t done that recently. (And maybe I’m wrong—but the reality is that we all get so bogged down in our day-to-day work that we usually aren’t thinking about our goals and we don’t consciously make the effort to run towards them.
So… If you are in a position with your business or your life where you’re not actively running towards your goals, here’s what I recommend.
Start by writing down a couple of things that you believe will get you running faster. Maybe it’s calling a certain number of prospects per day or reading X pages of a book. Write down your goals for 2020 or your goals for the rest of the year. Keep them in mind all the time.
And second, get into the mindset of “running” towards those goals as soon as you wake up each day. Right when you get out of bed, the first thing on your mind should be the words, “RUN and GO!”
If you have your goals in writing and you wake up with the mentality of “RUN and GO!” then there will be nothing stopping you from achieving them.
So, what are your goals? And how are you going to start running towards them?