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Posted over 4 years ago

Are You Willing to Leave the Junk Behind?

We all have junk that’s holding us back. It’s time to get rid of it.

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When I was 25 years old, I was working as a handyman at my family’s business. I did odd jobs, I cleaned the floor, I did whatever needed to be done. It wasn’t exactly the greatest career path…

My father ended up selling the company, but I continued working there. That is, until one day in 1991 when I got a phone call telling me I was being fired. I couldn’t believe it.

I was nervous—almost terrified—because I had two young kids at home with no income. But it was one of the best things that ever happened to me because it forced me to commit myself to my real estate business. And if it weren’t for that, who knows where I’d be today...

Leaving all the junk behind

You’re probably wondering why I just told you a story about getting fired when I was 25. I started with that story because that phone call had a huge impact on the rest of my life, and there’s a lesson that came out of it which I think everyone can benefit from.

When I got fired from that job, I had been working in real estate on the side. I had just started to dip my toes in and I had done a few deals. But to me, it was just a “side-gig.” I had no plans to go full-time with it—at least, not anytime soon!

But getting that phone call and realizing that I was fired put me into this position where I had to make something happen. With two kids at home, I had to figure out some way to get money on the table.

So I went all-in on real estate. And when I say “all in,” I mean it. I had no other choice! It was either real estate or no income.

I put all of my efforts into building a real estate business. I committed myself entirely—I was putting 110% in, day after day. And guess what happened? I was successful. I was able to build a thriving business and generate many times more income than I ever could have at that old job.

But here’s the thing: that never would have happened if I was just treating real estate as a “side-gig.” What I realized was that my previous job was holding me back. It was junk. Just like someone would go to the dump and get rid of their old junk in order to organize their homes, I needed to get rid of that job to get clear on what I needed to do.

Are you fully-committed?

In my case, that job was preventing me from committing to real estate. But this lesson applies in many different ways. Here’s how it works…

First, you need to get clear on what you want. Maybe, like me, you want to build a successful real estate business. Or maybe want to make a certain amount of money or sell a certain amount of properties… Whatever it is, you need clarity so that you know what you’re going after.

Second, you need to get clear on your commitment. How will you commit yourself to that goal? I committed myself to focus nearly all of my time and effort on my business. You absolutely have to commit.

Third, you need to get rid of the junk. This is what will allow you to fully commit. Stop saying, “maybe I’ll try it…” or “If this works…”—no. Throw that stuff out the window along with anything else that is preventing you from fully committing yourself.

And the final piece is to get some help. When I decided to commit to building my real estate business, I found a coach to help me. He was instrumental to my business, and although I may have been able to get there on my own eventually, it sure made the process a lot quicker.

We all have goals, but achieving them is complicated. Going all-in on your goals can be terrifying, but it’s also the only way to achieve what you truly want in life.

So, what will be your phone call? How will you remove the junk from your life that’s preventing you from committing to your business? And what could you achieve once it’s gone?
