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Posted almost 5 years ago

11 Ways to Create a Quantum Leap in Your Personal & Business Success

silhouette of girl jumping in the sun

In order to dramatically advance at anything, the following are 11 things you must acknowledge.

How to Be Significantly More Successful

1. Accept the fact that you always have something you can learn.

None of us knows everything. Period.

SOLUTION: Attend more learning experiences and get around more like-minded individuals. I still spend a considerable amount of time networking with new people, participating in masterminds, and attending events.

2. Accept the fact that there is always room for growth.

This applies both personally and professionally.

SOLUTION: Study people who are doing more than you, and add a minimum of 20 percent onto your goals each year. Check yourself right now relative to your income and the income of those you hang out with. It’s scary to find out that it’s probably within 5 percent of those you hang out with.

Related: 5 Habits and Methods to Supercharge Your Productivity

3. Accept the fact that your attitude controls the results you want daily.

Again, this applies both personally and professionally.

SOLUTION: Be more selective with what you read, what you listen to, and who you spend your time with. Make it a point to think positively—daily. When you get out of bed, you will dictate the day by setting your expectations. If you expect it to be a crappy day—it will be. If you expect it to be a great day, it likely will be.

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4. Accept the fact that having a specific goal always accelerates your progress.

SOLUTION: Start with small goals that are easy to attain to build confidence, and then start setting larger goals and figure out a way to monitor your progress and keep yourself on track. How about an accountability partner? I have a weekly Monday morning call with my accountability partner, where we review the following for just 15 minutes:

  • Biggest WINS for the week
  • Any LOSSES we had for the week
  • Any AHAs we had for the week
  • FIXES we did based on B and C above

5. Accept the fact that you’re going to have days when you don’t make any progress.

Those days are part of the process.

SOLUTION: On the days that are not as good as they should be, re-read your goals and re-define the benefits of attaining them. It will also help to chat with your coach, mentor, or accountability partner.

6. Accept the fact that removing the emotions and frenzy from your day is critical to moving forward.

SOLUTION: Start each day by exercising or yoga, then reviewing your goals, then eating properly. If the day begins to get out of control, go back and start the process over.

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7. Accept the fact that there are more people operating in this universe than just you.

Get your ego out of the way.

SOLUTION: If you become overly impressed with yourself, look in your checking account and see if it has the same balance as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet’s. Also, remember, without other people we cannot move forward. I am always humbled (to say the least) when I get around big thinkers, so I do it often by choice.

Related: There Is a Major Problem With Your Goals

8. Accept the fact that changing an individual’s behavior takes a lot longer than anyone wants to believe.

Be patient. If it were easier or quicker than that, you’d see many, many more successful people. The journey takes time and is not easy.

SOLUTION: Study the growth of other successful people in other professions, and you’ll see that the time invested is lengthy and critical to the process.

9. Accept the fact we all need outside influences daily to keep us growing and moving forward.

Find a teacher or coach or mastermind group.

SOLUTION: In your industry or niche, there are many coaching programs, masterminds, and online forums. Find the one that best suits you, your dreams, and your goals, and immerse yourself in it.

10. Accept the fact that the energy you have is the result many things you might be overlooking.

Your energy is determined by who you associate with, what you think about, the exercise you get daily, and what you eat—just to name a few things.

SOLUTION: Monitor your energy level daily, and set specific goals in each of the areas I mentioned above.

5 Best Ways To Find A Great Real Estate Mentor 702x336

11. Accept the fact that you, individually, are the only one holding you back…nobody else is involved.

SOLUTION: Make a list of all the wonderful assets that you have, and then make a list of the fears you have about succeeding. Once you have both lists written or typed, burn the list of fears and focus on your assets.

Excuses only satisfy the person who gives them. What excuse could you possibly make for not creating your own quantum leap?
