Getting Started as a Real Estate Investor
Education is a simple, but time-intensive step every new investor needs to take. Read every book you can find about real estate investment, every article on the internet (written by legitimate authors with proven investment records), and consider purchasing a course if you can afford it. Whatever your approach, remember that you cannot possibly research too much before getting involved in real estate; the more you know about a given market, the better you can maximize your opportunity to profit from that market. Further, don’t make the mistake made by so many new investors of reading two books and thinking you know everything about investing; always be receptive to new lessons from reliable sources—you never know which tip could earn you $100,000 in profits. Do the research, pick the specific market you’re interested in, and never stop reading.
After you’ve educated yourself some on the industry, and have determined that this is still the career for you, start working on your new investment business’ infrastructure. This means forming a limited liability corporation (LLC), creating a website, acquiring a business phone line, and ordering business cards. If you set these facilities up in advance, they will prove very valuable when it comes time to cultivate relationships and find good deals.
Finally, the most important preparatory step will also become the most important part of your business to sustain moving forward: marketing. Marketing is buying ad space, acquiring mailing lists, making endless phone calls and emails, putting up bandit signs, etc. Marketing is a never-ending task, and the more you do it, the more potential deals you will have coming in to evaluate. With the education behind you and the infrastructure of your business in place, now you can focus 100% on marketing your investment business, and wait for the deals to roll in.
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