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Posted 2 months ago

The X-Factor: Household

In the modern world of co-living and property investment, success hinges on more than just financial acumen and strategic planning. There's a secret ingredient that often goes unnoticed but is, in fact, the cornerstone of a thriving co-living environment. This elusive element is what we at Livingsmith have identified as the "Eightfold Household."

If you're ready to discover the X-factor that separates successful co-living ventures from unsuccessful ones, read on.

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What is Household?

At its core, the concept of household can be broken down into two components: the "who" and the "how" of people living together. It’s more than just the individuals under one roof; it’s about how these individuals interact, function, and thrive together.

Understanding household is essential for anyone involved in co-living, whether you're an investor or a resident. The quality of household has the power to either make living arrangements seamless, profitable, and enjoyable or turn them into a nightmare.

The Spectrum of Household

The state of any household can be viewed on two key spectrums:

  1. 1. Presence: Is the household conceptually present and recognizable within the living arrangement?
  • 2. Health: Is the household environment healthy, providing safety, comfort, and mutual respect to its members?

Traversing these spectrums from a non-existent, unhealthy household to a present, healthy one is the goal for creating a thriving living environment.

The Eightfold Household: Key Components

The Eightfold Household model covers eight vital aspects, each contributing to a strong, healthy living environment:

1. Relationships Within the House

Building strong, supportive relationships among house members is paramount. This includes friendships, respect, and mutual support.

2. External Relationships

How house members interact with neighbors, local authorities, and the wider community significantly impacts the household's harmony.

3. Self-Relationship

Each member's relationship with themselves is crucial. Are they feeling valued and respected? Are house rules and freedoms seen as beneficial?

4. Security

Ensure all entry points are secured. Front and back doors, windows, and rooms should offer optional locking mechanisms to grant residents control over their personal security.

5. Cleaning

Regular cleaning, both surface-level and deep cleaning, is necessary. Responsibilities can be shared through a chore board to maintain an organized environment.

6. Home Care

Maintenance of the home itself, such as fixing leaks or broken windows, falls under this category. A well-maintained home fosters a sense of pride and comfort.

7. Financial Contributions

Timely rent payments and financial responsibilities make sure the household remains financially healthy and stable. This often enables residents to enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained home at a fraction of the cost.

8. Extra Special

Unique to each individual, the extra special component is about the special contributions and benefits an individual brings to and receives from the household. This might involve decorating communal spaces or offering unique skills to improve the living environment.

Co-Living Benefits of a Well-Maintained Household

For Co-Living Investors:

  • Higher revenue and occupancy rates.
  • Lower property management costs.
  • A fulfilling experience witnessing a thriving community.

For Co-Living Renters:

  • A welcoming and supportive living environment.
  • Financial advantages of living in a high-quality household for the price of a room.
  • Emotional and psychological benefits from a positive living experience, eliminating feelings of loneliness and imposter syndrome.


The Eightfold Household is more than just a theoretical model. It is a practical framework that, when implemented correctly, can transform any co-living space into a flourishing, harmonious community.

At Livingsmith, our success isn't just measured by our financial gains or occupancy rates, but by the happiness and fulfillment of our residents. Adopting this holistic approach ensures that both investors and renters thrive together, creating a win-win scenario in every aspect.

If you're ready to elevate your co-living experience, embrace the Eightfold Household model. It's not just the key to successful property management, but the foundation of a better, happier, and more connected way of life.

Discover the gold standard of co-living with Livingsmith, and let's thrive together!
