Title Insurance When Refinancing Your Loan
Sunday, November 07
Lower interest rates have motivated you to refinance your home loan. The lower rate may save you a tremendous amount of money over the life of the loan, but you should also expect to pay the lender the typical closing costs associated with any new loan, including service fees, points, title insur...
Plan of Action- Tips for Sellers
Sunday, November 07
Analyze why you are selling - If you understand your motives, you will be able to better negotiate and to get what it is that you want, whether it be a quick sale, high price, or somewhere in the middle.Prepare your home for the buyer - Maximize the strengths of your property and fix up its weakn...
Is Buying a Home Still a Smart Plan?
Sunday, November 07
With the burst of the housing bubble, credit crisis, and millions of foreclosures across the country, you may wonder if buying a home is such a good idea after all. However, it’s important to consider all of the facts. The important message to take away from these events is not that buying a home...