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Posted about 5 years ago

Amplify The Performance Of Your Investing While Tearing Down Barriers

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Wouldn't you like a life where you don't have to worry about money and can do whatever you like ... whatever you love.

By age 22 I learned lot of life lessons.  I had almost lost my life, played sports at the highest level, failed in college, lived on a street and completed my bachelors and started and failed in a business. Lost everything including my house. 

I came to United States from India in 2001 to study Masters in Business and IT with no money in my pocket. After completion of my masters I started  with $100/month job.  After going through many years of learning and building my skill set I thought I made it, as I kept getting promoted and became good at what I do. 

Life was good, or so I thought..

In 2013 I lost my high paying  tech job as an excutive and I was back where I started. It was a turning point for me. At that point I decided that I will never rely on a job. In next 5 years I set course for me that was hard, requiring lot of learning and time. After that job loss  in 2013, I worked full time on a demanding job as an IT executive  but also focused on building my financial future. 

In 2014 I rented my 1st condo and used rent and other savings to start investing in real estate buy and hold. With each passing year I bought 2 -3 condos and eventually bought many multi family properties.  I am now financially free with 30 different income  streams. I also learnt how to sell on amazon, provided value consulting, in addition to my full time IT executive job. None of this was overnight but a grind of thousands hours of learning.  

During this duration, three things were key to my success. One was patience  second was focus and third was execution. 

Over the years  I built real estate brand and has done over $10 million dollar in transactions while generating 30 multiple streams of revenue generation, with the highest levels of ethics, authenticity and transparency. 

I learned how to create “out of the box” solutions to exponentially increase my investments through simple techniques.

I have gained experience in Real Estate and Personal Finance for last many years. I  built Systems and Processes that allows me to do a full time job and manage multiple Real Estate Properties.

More details in coming blogs..
