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Posted about 5 years ago

Three Basic Investment Principles - What worked for us!!

Normal 1562174840 Investment Principles


Be clear about Investment Goals

Clarity is power. Not unless you are clear in what you want, will you make an effort to do it. For example, if you go on a road-trip, do you just start the car and drive randomly, or you decide where you want to go, how you want to go, and then drive.

Be clear about the results you are looking after.
In addition, use your expertise and interests to propel you towards your investment goals.

Partner with People to Learn and Grow

Once you have set clear intentions on your investment goals, you must invest some time to learn about different strategies you can use to achieve your goals.
Some examples:

  • If you want to invest in stocks, talk to people; educate yourself; attend seminars; reach out to advisors who are knowledgeable in that field
  • If you want to invest in Real Estate investments. Attend real estate seminars; educate yourself in the field; network and partner with people who are already successful in this field


Be Disciplined & Never Give Up on your Dreams

Be Persistent and have a long term vision with Investment Goals.
Investments can at times invoke strong emotions. It is crucial to be patient and committed to success. Educate yourself with the various options available as investment vehicles and seek advise from industry experts to guide you as needed.
Being successful, and financially independent is a journey.
Keep with it, and soon you'll be enjoying the results of hanging in there. 

Remember - Rome wasn't built in a day.
