Don't Do What They Say! WARNING: This May Anger Some 10x Moguls
10x This...10x That
Everyone wants to 10x everything now and days. 10x their income, their portfolios, their various goal, but is that all there is to life? Yes striving for great goals is a must but consider your season in life and one should ask if this is the right time to 10x?
Maybe you have small children at this point in your life. Can your personality manage that huge responsibility of raising little ones and doing deals constantly. If so then good for you! But I know that with myself and most entrepreneurs that it's all or nothing. I sometimes have to tell my self that at the end of the day if I worked smart and made progress with the time allotted then the day was a win. I know that there is a time to 10x, a time to devote to loved ones and a time to rest.
Set Boundaries to 10x Within
Creating these borders to live within is no different than having a budget. You must budget your time for family, business and pleasure. This is so hard to do in our society that says "work, work, work...put in 10x!" I'm not against 10x but there are seasons in life when you can only do 7x on your side hustle and if you have 4 kids under the age of 5 like I did at one time then you may only be able to do 5x. As long as your pushing yourself to be above average in those busy times of life then give yourself a pat on the back. I love to hustle as much as the next person but lets be honest, we do it for our own ego half the time...don't we? Admit it :)
Patience = Sanity
If your patient and don't buy into the "Scale Fast" mindset everyone is in then you can grow a portfolio or any business to a large size at an impressive pace. So you don't hit your goal of buying 10 homes this year and you feel like it will take forever to reach your goal. But what if you bought 5 homes that cash flowed $200 a month vs 10 that cashflow $100 month. I'd think I'd rather grow slow. be selective and have the 5 houses that cash flow for twice the amount. What if the 5 houses you got were also in good schools thus are likely to appreciate better. Yes there are so many factors and you can't over analyze everything, but just play your game. Do what works good for your pain points. If single family housing stresses you out less that multi, then do single family. I know its sexy to do the big deals but at the end of the day no one is going to remember you for owning 100 houses or 20 apartments. Do what is best for you and your family and if growing slow helps you keep your sanity and be at peace then who cares what the Grant Cardones of the world think!
10x Timing
All I'm saying is don't sell out your purpose for money. Money comes and goes, but your family is counting on you to budget some time and energy for them which is so rare today. And just day your little ones will be in middle school and they won't want so much of your time as before. This may be the best time to 10x!