How I Went from Advertising to Real Estate Investing
In short, I chose Multi-family Real Estate for the financial freedom it can provide and the passive income it generates. Fun facts: All, not most, but all of the top 1% invest in Real Estate. Some have made their entire fortunes in this industry, some just have Real Estate as another stream of income. And they typically have between 3-5 sources of income.
Think about it – what would happen to you if you or your partner lost their job? How long would you be able to pay all your bills? How long would you be able to maintain your lifestyle?
While I was in Advertising and working on the agency side, people changed agencies on average every 2 years. Once we climbed the ladder a bit, we stayed at jobs longer, for various reasons – one of them being that there were less positions higher up on that ladder. And if you got married or had kids, agency hours just didn’t work. Once I switched to ad sales, while the hours were better, the jobs were less and less plentiful. And then, you go to a job where your manager is younger than you. . .sigh. I know Advertising is a young person’s field and there are many industries where experience is valued, but more and more, this is the way the economy is headed.
I decided at that job that I was going to get serious about Real Estate Investing. I wanted to learn everything I could about it, so I could be successful and hopefully make it my full time job eventually. . .but eventually came waaaay sooner than that I’d anticipated!
So my very subtle plea to you is this: get yourself another stream of income, or 2. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur (I know it’s not for everyone), but definitely start investing. Multifamily Real Estate Investing offers a great rate of return (usually better than the stock market) and an additional stream of income.