Daily Routines For Success And Well-Being
I am listening to Atomic Habits by James Clear and his main idea is that you are more likely to achieve great goals by changing your daily habits than by focusing on the goals. I will soon be adding this to my daily routines.
For now, I follow the daily routines below, which I started implementing in January 2019 after listening to a podcast episode by Tim Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Workweek.
Below are my daily morning routines:
1. I write down the date
2. I write down my goals: best husband, best dad and real estate goals
3. Who I want to be today: 3 qualities I want to have today (kind, calm, mindful, professional...)
4. Gratitude list: a relationship that matters to me (my mentor...), an opportunity, something that happened yesterday, something simple (my cup of coffee, a good night sleep...)
5. I thank one person
6. 3 items that would make today great
7. 3 affirmations
8. Something I look forward to
This routine has helped me to focus better and to generate more positive thinking.