Brand new in REI or a veteran here's some solid book recommendations!
Book Recommendations!
Books are easily the cheapest education you can receive today, that and online resources such as podcast and YouTube. Throughout my blog post I will always end with a book recommendation and what you can gain from that book, whether knowledge, mindset, or like most of these books both.
In 2019 I furthered my education in two ways. 1. I graduated with my MBA from FSU (Go Noles). 2. I read 26 books. Both were goals of mine for the year. One cost multiple thousands of dollars and one cost maybe a few hundred and could've been done cheaper. In many ways though the education from each carries the same value. This isn't a negative post towards graduate school or University in general as I am proud of it and think it carries tremendous value, but more so a testament to the value of further education and pushing to improve yourself through reading. I read books from real estate to business to self improvement and found extreme value in all of them. Some of them even changing my life drastically. Some of these I had read before 2019 and some I’ve repeated since, but this just goes to show that you don’t need a lot of money to go out and get an education to change your future. Any of these books alone can change your life for the better. Three books with probably the largest impact and books I would recommend to anyone and everyone getting started in this field are 1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad (obviously), 2. How to Win Friends and Influence People, and 3. Best Ever Apartment Syndication Book.
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.
This is truly the OG of real estate mindset books, if you have met or spoken with an investor they have probably mentioned this book when talking about their RE beginnings. I truly believe that 99% of people have a twisted idea of money, assets, and investing and Robert Kiyosaki looks to change that.
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
It amazes me how a book written in 1936 can be maybe the most prevalent and needed book in today’s day and age. This business is a people business and while sometimes RE can get a bad reputation. Succeeding in this business means helping people and simply being a good person. This book is basically a how to on being a good person and what advantages that brings in life. (Honorary Mention: The Go-Giver, another book about how giving value to others will return ten-fold.)
- Best Ever Apartment Syndication Book by Joe Fairless
Joe Fairless has single handedly impacted so many lives and investors through his platform and investing company, and this book continues to do that. This book is basically a blue-print for investing in Multifamily through syndication. And while this book is great for those of you looking to actively syndicate, I would also recommend this book to passive investors. This book will show you what a great apartment syndicator should be doing and you will need to know what that looks like before you invest your hard-earned cash with someone.
Again, if your excuse for not getting into investing is lack of money or knowledge then this is here to tell you that excuse isn’t valid. Start by educating yourself: read, listen to podcast, and reach out to fellow investors.
P.S. all of the books in the BP book store are all very strong options and great books!
Comments? Questions? What makes you happy?
Reach out to me any time, I would love to connect!
Tyler Lynn
Comments (1)
@Tyler Lynn, thanks for sharing. I was looking for something else to read, and this is right on time. I read #1 and #3, so will probably read #2, and #1 again.
Christopher B., about 4 years ago