The Truth About Landlord Insurance
Friday, August 09
Landlord Insurance is a term that is thrown around a lot, but it isn’t actually a real thing. In the insurance industry, the proper term is a dwelling fire policy. Dwelling fire is a strange term that is really fun to say. Now that you know it, you should work it into your normal vocabulary! None...
As An Investor, Which Deductible Should I Choose?
Monday, May 20
I almost exclusively provide insurance for real estate investors. One of the most common questions I receive is about the deductible. Investors, both new and seasoned, often wonder how small or large of a deductible they should carry.When all the facts and opinions settle, the truth is, this is c...
How Insurance Companies Respond to Rental Properties with Bad Roofs
Monday, May 20
Are you a real estate investor that just purchased a rental property with a questionable roof? This article will reveal two common ways insurance companies respond to investment properties that don’t meet their roofing expectations.A few of my clients have recently purchases investment properties...
The Importance of Renters Insurance to Investors
Thursday, May 16
If you have any residential property, it is imperative that you require and enforce all of your residents to carry renters insurance. If you don’t, you are leaving yourself and your business incredibly exposed!Renters insurance is often marketed to the actual residents, your tenants. Because of t...