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Posted about 5 years ago

Action Steps to Become a Successful RE Investor

  • Read Miracle Morning Millionaire – This is the most important step and should be done first
  • Set two alarms for 4am and do not change them ever for any reason for 30 days *(Nurses you can choose a different time) – you can also set it for 4:01…if you are a pussy
  • Read through all attached documents in the Getting Started emails.
  • Complete Goal setting document
  • Stop one monthly subscription to anything at any price – Who needs audible anyway…
  • Download Karls Mortgage Calculator – it’s free…just do it. It’s a cool calculator
  • Download Adobe Fill and Sign App – Also free
  • Using BP Calculators, run numbers on 3 different properties that meet your criteria and send the one with the best ROI to your Five Pillars Agent to review with you.
  • Listen to 10 BP episodes
  • Fill out your profile on BP and add your Five Pillars Agent as a friend - Yay
  • Make one post on BP website – nothing to write about? Talk about this sheet
  • Write one blog on BP Website
  • Ask one question on BP website – asking your agent friend doesn’t count
  • Print out last month’s banking statements and read every line
  • Establish monthly expenses and determine how much it takes simply for you to survive. Write this number down. Mine is $2,100.00/mo
  • Call and try to get your insurance for your car and home reduced in price and ask how you might be able to get them reduced even further.
  • Stop all monthly subscriptions and only add things back as you find that you need them – and yes I do mean your gym, magazines, avon, amway… anything automated, we need to stop and just wait to see if you really need it again.
  • Read Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • Download Audible and use the free credit to listen to The Millionaire Real Estate Investor
  • Talk to a lender regardless of current investment goals. If you are planning to use financing then go through the pre approval process as well.
  • Send POF to your agent. This will help make your offers stronger.
  • Delete every app on your phone that does not serve your current goals i.e. SC, FB, Tinder, IG, Candy Crush
  • Delete your Netflix account – of course this means all movie accounts
  • Avoid the news at all cost for 30 days – You can be a good citizen and not watch the news every evening. George Washington didn’t have a TV.
  • Attend a local RE meetup in your area – BP is a great way to find these
  • Attend a different local RE meetup in your area – Make friends yay!
  • Go look at a property with an agent….A Five Pillars Agent… of course
  • Listen to a Podcast about wholesaling
  • Listen to a Podcast about Flipping
  • Listen to a Podcast about being a successful RE Agent – this applies even if you are not an agent and don’t plan to become one
  • Open a separate checking account for your RE investments at a local bank that you like
  • Talk to your local bank about how to get a Business LOC – Just walk in and say hi, I would like a business line of credit, who do I need to talk to.
  • Call and attempt to get the limits on all of your credit cards extended.
  • Plan and meal prep for an entire week and do not eat out at all for 7 days
  • Make a post on social media about what you are doing
  • Read How to Invest in Real Estate
  • Go on your state’s Secretary of State website and find the documents needed to start an LLC
  • Give away your TV – If you have more than one then give them all away
  • After you have finished This sheet, Repeat all repeatable steps, and for the reading only reread the Miracle Morning Millionaire. If you follow this sheet you will be very hard pressed to fail in Real Estate investing. 

Comments (4)

  1. For the credit card limits that is just to increase your leverage an spending power. CCs helped get me through my first rehab and even put half of a down payment on another one. Some you can use directly like that and others you just kind of ride while you build cash reserves. 

    and I actually had not thought about adding links but you are definitely right that it would help out a lot. Ill work on it and post the new one. 

    • @Daniel Kidd
    • "Call and attempt to get the limits on all of your credit cards extended."
    • This would help improve your credit score by lowering the total utilization?

  2. This is great stuff, thanks.

  3. Great article, Daniel! Have you thought about adding links to the documents you reference?