Introduction: The Real Estate Investing Roadmap
Hi, I’m Matt Jones and this is the Real Estate Investing Roadmap where my goal is to show you how to use real estate to build the life you want and get where you ultimately want to go!
Each post I’ll strive to bring you actionable advice that you can use to begin or to further your real estate investing journey. The road to real estate investing success is littered with potholes, failures to start, wrong turns, red lights, traffic jams and dead ends. The REI Roadmap we discuss will be your guide to avoiding the pitfalls and ultimately arriving at your personal destination safely and on time.
First, we will set a foundation of terms and strategies for you to work from and then we will deep dive into specific topics. To maximize the use of our time together the content we cover will be divided into series where we cover specific topics in detail. While I highly recommend reviewing this information in order it is not necessary to do so. You can absolutely zero in to the information that you really want to learn and that interests you by listening to the specific series on your preferred areas of real estate.
To help me dive deep into specific topics and bring you maximum value I’ll invite other investors and real estate professionals on from time to time to co-host episodes, provide deep dives, discuss case studies from their own experiences and to discuss trends in the real estate market that you will want to watch out for.
Why am I bringing you this podcast and why now? Well, between building my rental portfolio of 28 rental units, mostly long term rentals with a few short term rentals sprinkled in, and being one of the top performing real estate agents in my area, I see a lot of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to real estate investing. I’ve made many mistakes along my journey and I’ve watched as others made even more. I believe that with the right roadmap we can smooth out your journey and greatly increase your chances of reaching your real estate goals. I’m still on my journey as well and I’m always interested in learning more, growing my skillset and improving my craft so I will be learning right along side you at times!
Sometimes the bad and the ugly in real estate isn’t caused by underfunded or uneducated investors but it’s simply a case of an investor missing one or two key turns along the way. It’s easy to stumble into dead ends or arrive at the wrong destination if you don’t have a good road map. More often than you might think investors have the wrong map all together because they did not properly align their goals with their strategies and available resources.
By looking at different strategies in depth you will be better prepared to choose the strategies that best suit your available time, capital and the tools/knowledge that you possess.
There are many different ways to make money through real estate and build the life you want. Through case studies, deep dives and by interviewing people that are crushing it in various areas of real estate we will bring you actionable advice that you can use to achieve your real estate goals.
I can’t wait to begin this journey with you. Be sure and subscribe to the podcast so that you are notified as new episodes drop.
Check out the video version of this post on my YouTube channel or search "Real Estate Investing Roadmap" wherever you listen to podcasts for a free audio version!