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Posted over 5 years ago

6 Tips To Finding Discounted Investment Property In The UK

Whether you are a veteran property investor or a relative 'newbie' - you have probably already discovered just how difficult it is to find and secure motivated vendors. The one secret ingredient that everyone seems to crave is 'leads', but how do you go about finding leads when it's such a competitive market place? Below are 6 top tips that I currently use to find motivated seller leads for my company Ready Steady Sell:

1. Pay per click advertising.

Advertising on Pay Per Click, predominantly Google Adwords is the fastest and easiest way to get a stream of motivated vendors contacting you for your services. You simply need a website, a pay per click advertising account and a credit card! Within around 1 hour you can be set up on Adwords, and after passing review, can be shown to customers who type in a keyword you provide. An example keyword set may be as follows:-

  • Sell house fast
  • Sell my house for cash
  • We buy any house
  • National homebuyers

You build up as many keywords as you can that are relevant, and then advertise on them.

2. Facebook advertising.

Advertising on Facebook's network is more interruptive however much more cost effective, and generally offers higher volume. No leads equals no deals; and if you can't find motivated property sellers elsewhere, Facebook is a solid reliable source in my books.

The downside to advertising on Facebook is the interruptive nature of it. By interruptive, I mean someone who goes on Google and types in ‘sell my house fast’ or ‘what happens to a house when going through a divorce’ (see here if you are actually interested in that question!); that particular searcher has a goal in mind to find your website, and get in touch with you about a particular problem.

Someone going on Facebook and seeing your advertisement never asked or really wanted to see your advertisement, therefore we are interrupting their natural flow. They will either stop what they are doing to check it out, or completely ignore you!

3. Search engine optimisation.

Seach engine optimisation is a method often used to gain organic (free) listings in the search engines, and is generally done by writing solid content, having good engagement with your audience and ultimately delivering a website that peers and other businesses would want to link to. Every 'link' from another site into your website is considered a vote. SEO can often be a bit of a mine field, and hiring an expert is highly recommended. Always air on the side of caution when hiring an SEO as sometimes they practice shady tactics that will ultimately get your website penalised by Google.

4. Offline marketing.

If you budget doesn’t allow for online marketing, there are plenty offline marketing tactics you can try that are cost effective. You could leaflet drop, door knock or even put a sign on the side of you car. Prior to setting up my business as an online cash buying company, I started out by looking on property portals such as Rightmove to find properties that had been on the market for some time. Then I would simply drive to the property and put a note through the door that I wanted to buy but not through the estate agent.

5. Connect with other sourcers.

More often than not property sourcers get deals in areas they don’t want to invest or property types they are not interested in investing in. The more connections you have the opportunities may come your way.

6. Join an investment club

There are many property investment clubs and sourcing hubs that you can join, which will send you or give you access to discounted property deals.

David Sessford is the owner of Ready Steady Sell, a national quick house buying company based in Gateshead, United Kingdom. David is actively sourcing below market value property and looking to connect with other property experts and professionals.
