Are you living a “YOLO” LifeStyle ? Assets over Liabilities Always!
This all came about from me & a friend of mine chatting while making our truck deliveries.
We usually talk about financial things, wealth building, and sometimes consuming the finer things in life.
Well this one particular day, I was talking about buying a multi family property , so my friend ask how much is that going to cost.
$375,000, it has 6 units in a C class area in West Georgia that we are both familiar with I told him.
He immediately says $375k in loud and surprised voice, & says to me that that he would buy this new super luxury SUV if he had that type of money and that I would be crazy to purchase something like that and what if people stop paying rent , or the recession comes back & what if the value goes under water , & not to mention he said “you only live once” so if I was him ,he would get the new Rolls Royce Cullinan .
He knew some local rapper who just leased one from a leasing company, that a relative of his works for. He said it was “only” $50k down & the payments were about $4,000 a month & how many females he could pull ( this means go on a date with him) with this vehicle.
I’m listening to what he is saying with so much Irritation, to the point I really started to, contemplate if I wanted to spend minutes out of my day chatting with him.
I was eventually saved by arriving to the customer that I was delivering to so I immediately got off the phone with him.
Me being kind of curious I was thinking about what he was saying and I was like let me just go ahead and let me analyze both things, the apartment unit and the SUV that he’s talking about. Let me compare the numbers because it’s always about the numbers, so I did and this is what I came up with in comparison.
Click link to see details https://www.instagram.com/p/BveJiorlieQ/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=eucpzv69lqf6