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Posted about 1 year ago

Embracing the Power of 10x: Lessons Learned from 10x Is Easier Than 2x

As an active real estate investor, I have had my fair share of successes and challenges over the past three years. Recently, I came across a book that profoundly impacted my perspective on investing and life: "10x Is Easier Than 2x" by Dan Sullivan. In this blog post, I want to share my journey of initially operating at a 2x level, my regrets about playing it safe, and my newfound commitment to embracing the power of 10x and taking 100% responsibility for my life.

  1. The 2x Approach: Playing It Safe When I first started investing, I approached it with caution. I focused on acquiring three rental properties in 18 months, a pace that I considered reasonable for a beginner. While I'm proud of the progress I made, I now realize that I held myself back by playing it safe. I was concerned about making mistakes and mitigating risks, which limited my growth potential.
  2. Regrets and the 10x Mindset Reflecting on my journey, I can't help but feel a tinge of regret. I realize that if I had embraced the 10x mindset from the start, I could have achieved far greater results. The concept that 10x is easier than 2x may seem counterintuitive at first, but it holds a profound truth: aiming for extraordinary goals often requires less effort than incremental ones. By thinking bigger, I would have pushed my boundaries, expanded my vision, and unlocked a world of possibilities.
  3. Taking 100% Responsibility Reading "10x Is Easier Than 2x" served as a wake-up call for me. It made me realize the importance of taking 100% responsibility for my life and my investment journey. I am the sole architect of my success, and it is up to me to embrace the power of 10x. No more playing it safe, no more settling for mediocrity. I am ready to push beyond my comfort zone, set audacious goals, and pursue them relentlessly.
  4. The Road Ahead: Embracing 10x Investing Armed with a newfound perspective, I am excited about what lies ahead. Embracing the 10x mindset means aiming for bigger and bolder investments, expanding my network and knowledge, and seeking out opportunities that stretch my limits. I am committed to continuously challenging myself and embracing calculated risks to achieve exponential growth in my real estate portfolio.

"10x Is Easier Than 2x" by Dan Sullivan has fundamentally changed the way I approach my real estate investing journey. I have learned the importance of thinking big, taking risks, and embracing the power of exponential growth. While I may have initially operated at a 2x level, I am now ready to shed the shackles of safety and dive headfirst into the realm of 10x investing. By taking 100% responsibility for my life and embracing the audacious goals I set, I am confident that I can achieve remarkable success in real estate and beyond.
