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Posted about 1 year ago

Pushing Forward: Lessons from Jean Paul DeJoria's Journey to Success

In a captivating interview titled "How I Turned $300 into $5.1 Billion," entrepreneur extraordinaire Jean Paul DeJoria shared valuable insights about overcoming shortcomings, bouncing back from hardships, and continuing to push forward. As I watched his conversation with Noah Kagan on YouTube, I found myself relating deeply to his philosophy and approach. In this blog post, I want to explore DeJoria's advice and how it resonates with my own experiences.

  1. Letting go of the past: DeJoria emphasizes the importance of not dwelling on past failures or injustices. He urges us not to get stuck in the "yesterday's news" mindset but instead look ahead to the future. It's easy to become consumed by negative experiences and allow them to hinder our progress. However, by acknowledging that dwelling on the past holds us back, we can redirect our thinking towards what lies ahead.
  2. Thinking ahead: 
  3. One of the keys to DeJoria's success is his ability to think ahead and focus on the next steps. Instead of lamenting over the past, he encourages us to ask ourselves, "What's the next thing to do tomorrow?" By constantly seeking new opportunities and challenges, we can maintain a forward momentum that propels us towards success.
  4. Taking action: 
  5. DeJoria reminds us that progress is made through action. Rather than becoming paralyzed by past setbacks, he encourages us to take decisive steps towards our goals. Whether it's making another sales call, reaching out to a potential client, or pursuing a new idea, each action brings us closer to our desired outcomes.

  6. Overcoming obstacles: 
  7. DeJoria acknowledges that many people are slowed down by their past experiences. Dwelling on negative events saps our thinking power and hampers our ability to move forward. To overcome these obstacles, he advises forgiving those who have wronged us. By letting go of resentment, we free ourselves from emotional burdens and create space for growth and progress.

Jean Paul DeJoria's interview with Noah Kagan serves as a powerful reminder that success is not determined by our past but by our ability to think ahead and take action. By releasing the weight of past grievances and focusing on what lies ahead, we can tap into our full potential. DeJoria's story and insights resonate with my own journey, reminding me to embrace a forward-thinking mindset and never let past setbacks define me. Let us take his words to heart and push forward with determination and resilience, for our brightest days are yet to come.

here is a link to the video where you can watch the full interview: 

