Successful 2020? 10 things You Must Give Up!
It’s the time of year where we take time to reflect on the year that has passed and to plan for how to make the year ahead our best yet. Reflection, incorporating lessons learned and setting a plan for the year ahead are all great steps towards helping us to realize our best selves, however they are not enough. what we also must do is to be conscious of what we must also give up in order to succeed.
Here are 10 things that you must prepare to give up if you want to make 2020 your best year
Comfort - nothing interesting will happen when you operate in your comfort zone. It is only by stepping outside of your comfort zone that you will experience real growth. It can seem daunting at the beginning, but doing something scary is where real fun and satisfaction lie
Excuses - If we decide to not blame anything on anyone else it can give us a chance to reframe each negative experience into a learning experience and by doing so, dramatically increase our learning potential
Security - when we step outside of our comfort zone and decide to give up a blame mindset we are also giving up things that have provided you with a sense of security in the past. If we want to realize the best version of ourselves we will have to give up some level of security in order to do so
Limiting Beliefs - Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right”. If you want to succeed you have to believe, at your core, that you can achieve your goals. This is the very foundation of any success story.
Procrastination - it is easy to find valid reasons, on a daily basis, why we can’t take the actions that we need to in order to achieve our goals. Commit to specific actions on a daily basis!
Perfection - there is a common expression that “There are no pictures on a scorecard” which refers to the fact that the ultimate objective is to get the ball in the hole and it is only the result that matters, not the means. Keep this in mind when you are defiantly pursuing your goals, it’s all about incremental progress
Multi-tasking - with all of the distractions available to us today it is possible to be very busy multi-tasking without really achieving anything. be relentless about focusing only on the actions that bring us towards our goals, everything else is a distraction
The Nice-to-have’s - if you reflect on some of the happiest moments in your life I bet you that they involve other people more than possessions.
Instant Gratification - when we see successful people it’s easy to think that they were born that way, that their path was predetermined. In Geoff Colvin’s “Talent is Overrated” he does a great job of explaining that high achievers are forged out of hours spent on deliberate practice. Get ready for a lot of hard work as you work towards your breakthrough.
Bad Health - we all act in ways that are detrimental to our overall mental, physical and spiritual health and by doing so prevent ourselves from realizing our true potential. You will need a plan to be in the best shape of your life in order to achieve your goals. Working out, gratitude practice and mediation are some examples so pick what works best for you.
Be relentless about eliminating the 10 items above from your life and make 2020 your best year ever.