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Posted over 4 years ago

Three Life Lessons Learned from Fighting – And How it Applies to Real

Many years ago, I took up boxing and Muay Thai to get into shape. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been trained by many excellent coaches and even a heavyweight world champion that took on Wladimir Klitschko and won. There was a lot that went into the training from these masters and my teammates. However, I didn’t realize that all this training would teaching me three critical life lessons that I still use in my daily real estate business.

My teams and I would train for 1 to 2 hours every weekday and some Saturday. Our team would learn striking and blocking techniques but also do heavy cardio to build stamina. Some of the exercises included carrying a 220lb man on your back and walk 400 feet to the other side of the gym – backwards. Drills like this was in preparation for us as fighters to take part in an actual match up to fight other teams.

While I was not planning on entering the ring against other schools, my coaches pushed me the same as they would those fighters that were. We sparred and fought every week. Sometimes, there were broken teeth, black eyes and bloodshed. Despite their bruises, these people were in top condition, ready to take on some of the toughest fighters at other schools around New York City. Being around them, keeping that positive mindset and training hard was a great experience. This is where I learned my 3 life lessons from Fighters.

1) Find others that are where you want to be and copy them.

Warren Buffet says the best way to learn is from making mistakes – they just don’t have to be yours. Instead, seek out others that are masters at their craft and learn from them. Early in the real estate game, when I got my start in the single-family space, my mentor was an amazing lady that had been selling real estate for over 30 years. I worked day in and day out targeting deals, running numbers and walking properties so I can build the large portfolio that she had built. Since then, I learn from others in the multifamily space and attend seminars and live events to stay sharp. You network and team up with others to work on and take down deals.

It’s very similar to fighting where you are continually upping your skills to last longer in the ring and learn new techniques that make you a better fighter. There were some days that were harder than others, but your team mates pushed you to keep up or you would have a hard time in the ring. Surrounding yourself with the right team made all the difference in the world.

2) Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

As I continue building my business today, I am pushing into larger and larger deals. I am having to create new relationships with some great people that have helped scale and grow what I am doing. It requires a great commitment to my goals and not letting up on the target. There are some days that something may seem difficult, if not impossible. But when I apply a high degree of effort and really push myself, everything works out. It’s certainly not magic. It is really getting out of my comfort zone and pushing beyond what I am today towards the person I want to become.

The very first day I started training, the coach asked us to “get into high plank”, I had no idea what he was saying. I felt a little strange having to ask what that was as I watched others extend their bodies facing the floor and hold in a push-up position. I didn’t hear any snickers or laughs. Even if there were, it doesn’t matter. Many years have passed since then and I am much better at holding a plank. And if those people did laugh, they have no impact on my life today.

3) “Sweat More in Training, Bleed Less in Battle”.

There are many deals out there and finding the right one for you can be a challenge. The best way to know this is to get a great deal of experience running your numbers and getting familiar with your target market. I have looked at thousands of units and have run countless deals. If I see an upside on the deal and it makes sense to pay a little more for it, I build it in. Regardless, I am not careless with my numbers. There are many people in today’s market overpaying for deals. If there is a slowdown, there better be reserves on hand or it will prove to be a challenging time for them.

When we were training, the coach had us go through blocking drills. We would perform the same move – a jab/cross – up to 250 times…over and over. We had to perform flawlessly, or we would get a punch in the face. The person would look at you, apologetically, and throw another one. And you better be ready. The point is, there is little room for error. Sure, you can recover, but you better have the basic blocking down.

Have you learned any lessons early on that you still use today? Leave them in the comments.

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