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Posted over 5 years ago

An investment in myself for introductions then real estate!

first of all I would just like to start off and mention that a lot of times when I am going to be doing some not posting or any kind of injury for the community I am going to do it through my Bluetooth headset and my voice to text feature. So keep that in mind when reading something like this as I may in fact have a lot of run-on sentences because most of the time my life is going to be on the go because during work I'm just driving a front end loader doing recycling making bales of twine cardboard and plastic for 11 and 1/2 hours a day sometimes 10 if I can cut my work that short.

I understand the big picture about investing as well as the importance of starting small with the habits of doing something right when other people say that it's wrong as well as looking at and tracking everything that comes into your life for finances people your social group Your Entertainment and any other metric that you want to throw in there for life because what I've learned so far in life in general 5th or even stumbling across the BiggerPockets website. Is simply the fact that wealth is of course not measured in how much you make but by the people that surround you your attitude and how you see the world and your point of view and sometimes it's okay if it's different than everyone else's that just means you happen to have a creative mind and to think outside the box. I consider myself a well-rounded person and as much as I've gotten into other people's relationships of course not by forcing myself into them oh, I just happened to be a social butterfly and like to talk to people who have issues with their own relationships and that's why I find it absolutely interesting and amazing to find out where people have come from where they are at in their relationship and why these people mostly ladies are coming to talk to a married man like myself with for kids when I find out that they're not doing so well with their relationship and it's always easier to just pick up a phone or computer and reach out to someone else instead of talking with their significant other. Simply based on that knowledge alone and can be related to real estate as I have come to understand that when there's no synchronization your financial situation with your personal situation and your relationships whether it is singular or with a partner it is best to face your problems head-on and not walk away from them and not avoid them so if there is an issue along the lines of a tenant or a problem with the piece of Real Estate in whatever form that may come in it is always best to analyze the situation and solve that problem first before stressing over it and letting it become something bigger down the road. Taking pages from the book of you Rich Dad Poor Dad series, which I absolutely love and just finished today through the audio version for 6 hours,  it is duly noted that giving something to get something can be simple as a smile that catches fire among other people.  When somebody wants something such as money then usually it can be obtained by giving a little bit in whatever form and shape that may look like because generosity it's sometimes the measured not in monetary value but simply the kindness of a total stranger. My understanding on what real estate is and how it becomes a deal is 1 meaning in the numbers and making absolutely sure that it does fit with your personal criteria and what you have set forth for yourself. I have listened to a lot of podcast so far and as I have understood what they are talking about sometimes the step-by-step information on exactly what kind of criteria that maybe sometimes eludes people and as I try to be a simple person my best advice for this understanding on the step-by-step criteria is starting with what you truly want if you do get into real estate then you have to research and look up the types of ways you can invest through real estate in the forms of a single family home or a residential section as that's referred to, for another is a multi-family home which is usually a duplex Triplex fourplex and so on referring to apartment complexes and then if it's over a certain amount of doors then it becomes a commercial property.  of course this is just the beginning stages of my learning as well and then I am wrong then anyone can feel free to jump in and correct me I encouraged criticism  as that book Rich Dad Poor Dad has seriously inspired me want to go full force into this real estate investing.  I felt hour after hour upon listening  to this book as if he was talking directly to me I understood it I was excited to hear more I look forward to learning anything and everything I can from all the members here on bigger pockets as well!  yes I understand I was kind of jumping around for a little bit and I apologize.  a little more about me is simply I had graduated high school in 2002 and I came into the Navy a little afterwards and I had left about 2005 and that is kind of a long story in itself and I will fill in the details if somebody wants to know but let's just say I got kicked out for something that is now currently being legal all around our states and that wasn't even the one using it at the time....  so getting out of the Navy I had to jump into the corporate world and work job after job literally as I had gone into the temp service and worked two or three months here and there jump to another job two or three months here and they're worked a couple of weeks doing pretty much anything and I do have the skills from jumping around so much I technically could build a house from the ground up however I don't do concrete don't ask I'm not even going to lift a finger in that subject.  after jumping around so much I did land a job at the Dell computer Corporation for a little bit almost a whole year until I got set up with the mcp test for the Microsoft certified professional and it turned out to be the wrong study material before the correct test I try to take it a second time and I got the right study materiel but then the wrong test and my time frame for being there was already up and needing to get the certificate or get walking out the door and I had to voluntarily resign.  after the Dell job I jumped back into the temp services back and forth until finally hit a stable job with in home Care Facility sector working in client's homes taking care of them. 

 after doing that for about nine months or so I went out to these deadly hay company in Eden Idaho and I was driving forklift and a backhoe skid steer and another type of front end loader with the boom type front that allowed me to pick up large items and put it on top of a chain driven system that allowed the Bales to be cut up into small bits and be turned into cubes or pellets for horses and other dairy animals.  after I had been relieved of that job due to the boss just not liking me as I had ran the machine like I was supposed to but I was not making the quota of pallets by the end of the night because the machine kept getting plugged up as I did exactly what the boss told me and running the machine a little faster than what I was used to and some of the materials to make the cubes in the pellets were not able to keep up with the speed of the machine and dusk it plugged and have to shut down clean it out start over again needless to say the boss got fed up with that and I got fired.  soon after that I did more temp jobs and this was like a 5-year span after 2005 when I got out of the Navy of pointless jobs going back and forth trying to chase the dollar and paying child support for a kid that I don't even get to see that in itself is of course a long story.  finally as this day in age now current present whatever you want to call it this is going to be my fourth year at this company of Western Waste Services in Jerome Idaho August will be 4 years.  since I have stumbled upon this BiggerPockets website and learning about financial Independence I have been chomping at the bit dying wanting to have been out from this job which I've known for the very first year that I came here I wanted something different even before coming to BiggerPockets but I knew there had to been something else that I could do instead of what is called the rat race of course quoting from the book Rich Dad Poor Dad again I absolutely love that and would recommend it to anybody.   anyway today I do 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. every single day recycling that cardboard twine and plastic and I work pretty much out in the cold all day because the doors have to be open for ventilation while I'm driving the full front end loader,  I am so looking forward to whatever I can do and whoever I can talk to for this financial Independence Journey that I know I can make work for me in order to have what I want in the end and that is the option and power over my own choices and money.
