It's a crap shoot
My father is the king of euphemisms and I always am left wondering where they came from.
Today, I'm convinced that the main sewer line running under the concrete slab and a foot of earth coupled with real estate investment is how "It's a crap shoot" originated.
I'm most likely wrong in my belief but it seems quite fitting for new real estate investors. Just recently I was with a like minded individual and he was telling me how they don't buy a property without scoping the main sewer. I've often thought of doing this but the $200-$300 price tag has keep limited me to only situations where it is essential.
I think I'm going to follow in his footsteps and add it to my checklist when evaluating a property. Even if I don't do an engineer's inspection and write contingent free. I'll be the dude down in the basement with the crescent wrench, gloves, and a camera snake trying to look inconspicuous first day on market.
7:11 Slurpie:Pee
Comments (1)
Mark, My dad had a lot of great sayings too. Boy I miss him. Out of 8 properties we have replaced two sewer lines. Here in Baltimore scoping would be about 1/2 what you are paying. Perhaps you should shop around.
Ned Carey, almost 11 years ago