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Get It Done: Productivity Hacks That Work For Me

Friday, May 08

Let's chat productivity. It makes sense because even if we may be getting towards the end of lockouts and safer at homes, life will still be different. Now is still the time to make new habits. When life is less busy its easier to make new habits. So while is still a little less demanding because...

Our Kingdom For A Payment Plan

Friday, April 10

Payment plans are something we hope to never use as rental investors. Yet the reality is that at some point during your career you will have to create one. Payments plans aren’t something you create on a case by case basis in under 5 minutes. You want a well-thought out payment plan that is ea...

The Do's and Don't of Heat Etiquette

Thursday, February 13

It’s the time of year where landlords in colder parts of the United States are talking about furnaces. We’re entering the throws of the cold weather season and what is historically the harshest parts of our winters. It’s the time of year that we dread a tenant phone call the most. We’re always ...

Screw New Years. Set Goals On Your Terms.

Monday, January 13

Why I don’t do New Years Resolutions I love the New Year celebrations. I believe it mostly comes from my childhood because New Years has always been a big deal in my family. Every year we get together as siblings with our parents and a few choice people we bring into the fold to have fun, enjoy l...

Quick Tips For Less Stressful Bookkeeping

Wednesday, October 23

Do you dread bookkeeping? Does your accountant audibly sigh when you bring in your paperwork every year? Here are 4 quick tips to remove some of the pain and delirium over bookkeeping. 1) Set an appointment every week for bookkeeping activities. Block 60-90 minutes every week at the same time....

Keep These Questions To Yourself

Thursday, October 03

When we are showing a vacancy, we are usually in one mode: get it rented. We want the best qualified applicant as soon as possible. We want to find out as much about the person either prior to completing the application. It saves us time right? The more we know sooner, the easier it is for us ...