Why Words Matter | Property Management
Thursday, April 04
In 2015 we started our property management company, TRE Homes. As many entrepreneurs will agree with me, when starting a business you don't really know what you're doing. However, you start in spite of that and just figure it out as you go. We've been doing that every day since we started this co...
Longterm Investing Mindset
Monday, February 25
Purchasing real estate as an investment property is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make. Historically speaking, real estate values act as an excellent hedge against inflation. This means the value of the property rises with inflation and what tenants pay in rent can be increased ...
Why Use A Property Manager
Wednesday, February 20
I started a podcast called the "Young. Wild. Financially Free." podcast. This is a great episode about a property managers view of tenants and owners. Listen to the full episode on any podcast platform or follow this link! https://apple.co/2OjRwBd Intro: [00:00:18] Hey everybody! As many of you ...
Property Management Problems
Wednesday, February 06
***The following names have been changed to protect identifies of the people involved in these stories.***“The Leak Won’t Stop!”Sally, a TRE Homes tenant, called one afternoon to report a leak. She suspected it was coming from her A/C unit. She lived in the downstairs unit of a two-story duplex, ...
You Are Your Biggest Limit
Wednesday, February 06
This blog was written by a good friend of mine, Christel Gustafson. I have always dreamed of getting into real estate but growing up, I was told that real estate investing was too dangerous and risky. My dad, who had sat on the Board of our local bank, witnessed so many of his friends and collea...
Will You Conquer Fear?!
Monday, February 04
"Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will."This is a quote that I think of often. I am blessed to have two amazing parents. I was raised to work hard, earn what I have, and save. This became a routine and I felt a comfort in this. Doing anything out of the ordinary feels foreign, unsettling,...