A Poor Dad's Journey Into Real Estate-Episode 1
Hi, my name is Eric and I am the personification of the quintessential poor dad, highly educated, well respected, and not wealthy.
I am in no way a member of the 1%er-club. I am someplace between the 20%ers and 5%ers. Given my urban roots, in East Orange, New Jersey, I am proud of my accomplishes thus-far. However, I want more; more control of my time, more control of my income, more time to volunteer, more time for and with my family & friends, and more time for me!
I guess I am a member of the last generation that had the following concepts drilled so deeply into their moral fiber;
- Work hard,
- Study,
- Get a good job,
- Get promoted,
- Don't make waves,
- Attain the goal that is in front of you,
- And above all, don't quit!
it successfully took me and many others down the path that got us through college and into corporate America. And, for me, that path then lead me into startups in Silicon Valley, and eventually to teaching business courses at a 4-year private college, in the Southeast.
What I now realize, after all of these years of doing the "right thing," people with less understanding, knowledge, and education were doing better than me.
Why? Why not me? Am I not capable? Am I not worthy?
Yes, you are worthy. You have demonstrated, time and time again, throughout your entire life that your moral fiber and character is second to none.
Yes, you are capable. You have successfully navigated primary, secondary, post-secondary, and post graduate studies. You have demonstrated that you can learn anything you put focus and energy into.
Why not you? The only reason you do not have the rewards of real estate you so desire are simply related to time, energy, and action.
What will be your "why?" Your initial and long-term success in real estate will be dictated by your motivator. So make certain you have a motivator that will get you moving when it is cold, rainy, and the soles of your shoes have a whole in them. Make certain your motivator is powerful enough to get you through a property situation where your insurance company wants you to repair the roof, replace a few windows, and reside the building, but you have no credit left on your credit cards and the property's reserve account has already been depleted. Problems that challenge your resolve to be successful in real estate will surely arise. A good motivator will provide you with more than enough strength to get through any ownership problem.
Go forth and do!