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How to Find (make) Private Lenders

Sunday, August 04

Talk. That’s right; talk about what your are doing in your business. Talk with enthusiasm and intelligence. It matters. It is magnetic! If you are familiar with Bigger Pockets and their podcast, you are familiar with Brandon Turner. He is knowledgeable and passionate about real estate and it is ...

European Car or Europe?

Tuesday, June 25

Tenant CarsThere are a few things we’ve learned in this business that almost always hold true. One is that tenants will drive a newer, nicer car than we do. To the point that after one of us shows a home to a prospective tenant without the other, the one of us who wasn’t there will ask “did the...

How Syndication is Like Fight Club

Saturday, May 25

How You Can Own a Big Apartment ComplexDid you know you could be a partial owner of a large apartment complex with a relatively modest amount of money? Think about all of the apartment buildings you see on your daily travels. Who owns them? Some may be corporations but many are owned by syndic...

But Debt Is BAD!!! Or is it??

Sunday, May 05

Borrowing is bad (sometimes) As I have mentioned, I am a fan of Dave Ramsey’s teachings in many ways. In fact I probably wouldn’t be doing this without his teachings; but I do use debt. That’s right, I use debt. It’s taken a while to not see this word as a bad word after years of Dave’s teaching...

Private Parts or Your Portfolio

Tuesday, April 09

Private Parts or Your Portfolio?I can talk about both with some expertise because 1: I have wasted a lot of money so I have learned a few things about it and 2: because I am a paramedic and let’s just say there are things you can’t unsee. Why don’t we talk about money?We don’t talk often talk ab...

My Midnight Infomercial House

Wednesday, February 06

Our first free houseWhile we have been on this journey of buying houses in San Antonio that need some love, we have learned a lot of lessons. We want to share what we have learned with those who would like to do the same. Today we will talk about how we bought a house for free and how you can t...