Our Crowdfunding Network Is Growing Part 42
Monday, September 01
Our operating agreement for equity-based Inner 10 Capital deals is now complete save comments from investors. This will likely evolve over the next few years a bit, but we have something functional to replace our JV agreements going forward. It certainly was harder and took longer than anticipa...
Our Crowdfunding Network Is Growing Part 41
Thursday, August 14
Investors continue to trickle in from our site, Fundrise, and via a few other sources. We now have 190 investors with $11.88M to invest in our Fundrise network and many more from our site. Our GroundBreaker white label implementation is pretty close to being done and we're really just fine-tuni...
Our Crowdfunding Network Is Growing Part 40
Sunday, August 10
We're currently 23% subscribed on our first debt raise. There was a ton of activity on the first day and things have cooled off since then. August is apparently a slow month for crowdfunding and some of the other portals don't even post deals in August. Hopefully we'll fill up the rest for the...
Our Crowdfunding Network Is Growing Part 39
Friday, August 01
Our first debt crowdfunded raise started yesterday. We raised 20% of the capital, or $90k of $450k in about 12 hours. Then Friday came and we got zero subscriptions. It is pretty interesting to see how the time of the week matters so much in raises online. Hopefully this will fund in the next...
Our Crowdfunding Network Is Growing Part 38
Sunday, July 27
Week two of the GroundBreaker SOW implementation is in the books. I am still hoping we can have a skeletal white label portal up in August. 2 more weeks was what we were aiming at for the implementation, but I know how things go. It generally takes longer and is harder than people think so hop...
Our Crowdfunding Network Is Growing Part 37
Sunday, July 20
We had our first checkpoint with GroundBreaker last Friday on the progress for our new white label solution. Almost all of our static content has been migrated and they're working to pull the images to their file servers. A lot of the SOW remains to be implemented over the next 3 or so weeks an...