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Can Your Job Site Withstand A Hurricane? Get Prepared Now.

Thursday, September 05

There are few things in life an unpredictable as the weather. And when you don’t know what is coming down the pike, it pays to prepare for the worst. That advice holds particularly true during hurricane season. The powerful winds and heavy rainfall unleashed by a hurricane can devastate neighbor...

Investing In the Senior Housing Market Is A Smart Move

Monday, August 12

It’s an undeniable fact. America’s population is aging — and fast. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 20 percent of the U.S. population is expected to be over age 65 in 2030 compared with just 13 percent in 2010 and 9.8 percent in 1970. That’s an exponential change, and one that has t...

Investing In A Short-Term Vacation Rental? Keep These 4 Tips in MInd.

Monday, August 05

It’s summer! And that means longer days, warm nights and, best of all, vacation time. We know you’ve earned it. Traditionally, vacation planning has involved direct booking of often over-priced and over-crowded hotels. But, with the advent of the internet, new travel options abound. Whether it’s...

What Is An LLC And Why Do I Need One For Real Estate Investing?

Monday, April 29

We are glad you asked! An LLC stands for Limited Liability Company and offers some of the benefits of both a partnership and a corporation. It is essentially a corporate structure that allows for the pass-through taxation of its members as in a partnership while limiting overall liability as in a...

​Why Is the 70% Rule So Important?

Thursday, March 14

Any house flipper worth his or her salt has probably heard of the 70% rule. But few fully understand exactly what it means or why it is so important.So let’s break it down. How Is It Calculated?Essentially, the 70% rule means that the purchase price of the property plus the estimated repair costs...

Before You Choose Your Next Fix and Flip Project, Consider The Area

Monday, March 11

Can you imagine this scenario?You buy a fixer upper in an established, solidly middle-class neighborhood and get to work making the necessary repairs. You finish the project on budget AND on schedule and list it at an ARV that is sure to generate a healthy profit. All is well, right? Wrong. What ...