3 Questions You Should Ask When Evaluating CRE Tech Products
Wednesday, November 28
I know it seems like there are an ever increasing number of new real estate tech startups emerging every day. Rest assured, it's not just you observing this. Last year, venture investors deployed over $5 billion in real estate technology, more than 150 times the $33 million invested in 2010. Need...
How to Improve Multifamily Performance Using Market Benchmarks
Wednesday, November 28
Every multifamily operator has an internal benchmark that they are trying to achieve from an expense perspective. Sometimes these figures are more strategic goals such as achieving a 35% expense ratio, or keeping third-party contract services under $400/unit.For the savvy investor, looking at ope...
How to Select the Right Rent Comps
Wednesday, November 28
In multifamily real estate, selecting good rent comps is the foundation of a sound analysis. If you select good rent comps, you know how to adjust your asking rents and concessions to match the competition. You know if a potential acquisition may be undercharging or overcharging for the market. M...
Assess Any Market With These 5 Data Points
Wednesday, November 28
Decision making in this business is difficult. There is no standard measurement that can always be used to verify potential returns for a potential acquisition. This makes due diligence the critical component in the buy decision. Eliminating no-go deals quickly creates more time to focus on the ...
Five Underwriting Habits That Build Trust With Your Investors
Thursday, November 08
There is enormous pressure put on real estate professionals to present trustworthy information. If you can’t justify that your data is reliable and accurate, how can anyone trust your results? The adage “garbage in, garbage out” certainly applies to every aspect of real estate analysis.Whether yo...
How Lenders are Going to Make Your Life a Lot Easier
Thursday, November 08
Originally featured in Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesrealestatecounc...When I first started working with large multifamily lenders, I was surprised how few of them made loans for apartments under 50 units. Since larger transaction volumes support larger fees, it makes sense that near...