OPTIONS CLAUSES - Understanding Commercial Leases - Part 11
This is part 11 of a multi-part series on Understanding Commercial Leases
OPTIONS TO EXTENT - Clause grants Tenant 1 or more options to extend lease term for a rental rate to be determined in accordance with lease.
OPTIONS TO EXPAND - Clause grants Tenant the right to expand into adjoining space in accordance with mechanism in lease.
RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO LEASE OR PURCHASE PROPERTY - Clause grants Tenant the right to require Landlord to offer him the option to lease (and sometimes purchase) a property BEFORE Landlord can lease or sell to any other party.
EARLY TERMINATION OPTIONS - Clause grants Tenant right to terminate the
lease PRIOR to expiration. Tenant is sometimes required to pay a fee for doing so.
- Limit options as much as possible.
- Set up option rental rate provisions that call for built-in rental increases.
- Options To Expand Don’t negotiate provisions that “tie” the
- Don’t negotiate provisions that “tie” the Landlord’s hands or delay the Landlord when they are trying to lease space or sell property to third parties.
- Obtain as many options as possible.
- Set up option rental rate provisions that keep rental rates down as much as
possible. - Negotiate restrictions that prevent or delay Landlord from taking actions that might not be in Tenant’s best interests.