Real Estate Opportunities in the Aerotropolis
Real Estate value creation is dependent upon connectivity. Where there is connectivity, commercial transactions take place. Population and wealth accrue at those locations.
Air connectivity is the critical component of multimodal connectivity that drives global commerce. Goods and people need to be moved around the world and air transportation is the only global mode of transportation.
Many communities are planning for development around airports, the Aerotropolis. They are working to attract employers that are large users of air transportation in the hopes of developing economic clusters. Companies in these clusters bring their employees, supply chain partners, third party service providers and they stimulate industrial, retail, multifamily, hospitality, and commercial real estate development.
Aerotropolis development can be organic, and uncontrolled, or be community-led, planned and financed appropriately.
Dallas-Fort Worth Airport is probably the best example in the US of how the Aerotropolis should be developed. Denver is getting there. Where they are planned properly, real estate opportunities will proliferate.