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Posted almost 5 years ago

The Wife and the Plan: Journey to 1000 Doors

I was sweating like a gypsy with a mortgage, but I had to tell my wife the plan to gain 1000 apartments in one year.

The Wife and the PlanThe Wife and the Plan: Journey to 1000 Doors Episode 2

So I asked her on a date, got some wine, and told her about my plan (spoiler alert- it includes ski masks……..) It’s like the movie Rocky. If Adrian doesn’t support Rocky, he can’t fight without her.

The question I get a lot though is “How can you get your spouse to support what you’re doing”? That’s a good one. I’m no marriage advisor, but I know a good one.

He says that the number one issue that husbands have with wives is that they don’t feel respected. BUT the number one issue that wives have with husbands is that they don’t feel prioritized.

It’s important to me that my wife knows that she is the most important thing in the world to me. And that no new endeavor would ever take the place of her.

But that I would absolutely NEED her to go on the journey with me. There are a couple things that we do to stay on the same page with each other.

We go on a date once a week. But we have rules: no movies and no talking about kids. This way it’s quality one on one time with each other. And when you continue to date you continue to discover knew things about her.

  1. Every morning we do a T.R.I.P. It’s an acronym for our morning routine. T stand for Thanksgiving. We start the day saying what we’re thankful for. R stand for Reflection. We either read the bible, or some self help literature, or read something inspirational and reflect on it together. I stand for Intentions. We take this moment and pray for things in our life. And P stands for Planning. We plan out our day together. It’s an awesome routine. But it also depends on how rushed we are. With 5 kids, to be honest, sometimes the T.R.I.P. end up just being a “T.R.....”.

But the important thing is that I start the day with her sharing our hearts and prioritizing her. And I would attribute this routine as the main reason my wife has remained so supportive of me through the years. Hope it helps!

Comments (2)

  1. Thanks @Chris Weezorak! It doesn't have to be in the morning either.  It is a great way to prioritize your wife though.

  2. Love your morning routine. Not sure if my wife and I could start our day like this, but I could see it at the end of each day. God Bless!