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Posted over 5 years ago

My top 5 podcasts

My top 5 podcasts

                             "Turn your commute into a mobile university"

Before I discovered podcasts, my commutes consisted of listening to music and playing candy crush. I figured there was nothing else to do. Little did I know that there was a whole world of information and entertainment I wasn't aware of. That world was podcasts. Podcasts are great. Real estate podcast are great. People listen to podcast for unlimited reasons. I listen to podcasts to learn. Now, instead of wasting my time listening to music and playing random games on my phone, I now turned my commute into a mobile university. There are many great podcasts out there that help you with your financial freedom journey but 5 stand alone. Coming in at number 5, I have Business Wars Podcast. At number 4, I have Flipping Junkie with Danny Johnson. At number 3, I have The Tim Ferris Show. At number 2, I have The Choose FI Podcast. And at number 1, I have The Bigger Pockets Podcast. All these podcasts help me learn and keep my educations from going stagnate.

                            Business Wars

Business Wars is a fun entertaining podcast. It describes how big companies made it to the top while competing with other companies for the top spot. It is more entertainment than anything else but there are some nuggets in it. I use this podcast as a buffer between me going crazy and overloading my brain with information. It is still more productive than listening to music or playing games on your phone and that is why i strongly recommend it. Another reason why i recommend this podcast is because sometimes, history repeats its self so if you begin to understand certain things that seem to constantly happen throughout history, that might help you in the future if you ever decided to build a business. If you decided to give it a listen, I recommend you starting with Browser Wars.

                          Flipping Junkie

Flipping Junkie is a great podcast to learn about real estate. Danny Johnson, the host is a master of systems and optimizing his business by using technology. At times, it can get a little boring if you are starting out because the people he interviews have been in the real estate world for years so they are very mono-tone about what they do. Don't let that distract you from all the great free information he provides. Danny is a great investor and he uses this podcast to give back. I personally do not take this for granted because there are " Real Estate Gurus" who charge people thousands for this kind of information. Meanwhile, Danny Johnson he offering it for free.

                      The Tim Ferris Show

For those who do not know who Tim Ferris is, he is the author of The Four Hour Work Week. He is known for a lot of things because he is always up to something. Regardless of anything, Tim has a fantastic Podcasts. This is by far one of the best podcast out there right now. Only reason he is not number 1 on my list is because his focus is not financial freedom. His focus is on interviewing people who have mastered their craft and finding out what they do/did to get there. You can think of any subject of mastery and Tim has probably interviewed that person about it. There are so many great ones that I rather not recommend one. I rather you just listen to all of them. 

                                Choose FI

Choose FI is another gem. It is a podcast based on helping people in their FI (Financial Independence) journey. These guys are great. The people they interview are very public about how they reached FI. The two hosts are also very transparent about their journey to FI as well which humanizes them which in turn makes you feel like you can also reach FI. They go into a lot of detail with things that most people don't talk about. They go into detail about travel hacking, 401Ks, budgeting and all subjects around them. Every single episode teaches me something I did not know about finances which in turn helps me get one step closer to my financial goals. When they are talking, they make me feel like I am in a bar just chatting with them about different ways to reach FI. If you are into FI but not real estate, this is the podcast for you.

                           Bigger Pockets

Bigger Pockets is the best real estate podcast in the market. I am not saying just because i am writing a blog post on their site. It is because their podcasts are full of gems. They are entertaining but the amount of information that is given on every podcast is like no other. I listen to these podcasts all the time. Every day I make sure to listen to at least one podcast even if I've listened to it before. Whether you are a first time investor, or a seasoned veteran, I strongly recommend this podcast. They talk about all types of real estate investing so what ever you are trying to learn about will be found in this podcast. Just a side note though. Brandon, one of the host can be a bit corny sometimes but just grind through the corny jokes and you will be fine.
