Lessons from the 2007 Housing Crash, Just in Time for the Next One!
I did my first real estate deal in 1999. It was a 2-bedroom condo fix-and-flip in Smyrna, Georgia. By 2006, we'd built a portfolio of about 30 single-family properties, mostly lease-options, but with a few owner financed deals as well.
The Housing Crash of 2007, and the Great Recession that followed, hit our operation like a lead pipe to the skull.
By 2008, we'd witnessed the collapse of global powerhouses like Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, and the demise of major banks including Washington Mutual, Countrywide, and Wachovia. Mortgage lenders, panicked and desperate, filed 3.1 million foreclosures, resulting in over 860,000 families losing their homes. And that was all in just one year.
I'd never before experienced a downturn as a full-time real estate investor.
Here's what I wish I'd known.
Know The Time
In late 2006, we started having more tenant troubles than usual. Formerly solid payers were starting to get behind on rent. Residents were having their work hours cut or losing their jobs altogether. Something fundamental was changing deep within the U.S. economy, but at the time we didn't know what.
Within a year, everyone knew.
Expansion. Peak. Recession. Trough. Welcome to the Business Cycle: The "good times" always lead to excess and incaution, which eventually leads to the "bad times" as asset values drop, which in time leads to renewed "good times" as bargains are snapped up, and round and round it goes.
So, given this, the Million-Dollar Question is always the same: Exactly WHERE in the Cycle are we right now?
The Bad News: I. Don't. Know. The Worse News is that nobody else does either!
It's up to each investor to do their own homework, put an ear to the ground, and talk to every one: buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants. It's why I spend so much of my day networking like a maniac.
Not ONE of us KNOWS the future, yet ALL of us CREATE it together, one day at a time.
In Atlanta, I believe we're in the Late-Late-Expansion phase of the Cycle. Buyers now greatly outnumber sellers. Most of the wholesale "deals" I am seeing marketed are laughably bad. More people are buying properties they shouldn't in the hope that the Wheel won't ever turn.
But it will; it always does, eventually.
If Cash is King, then Cash Flow is Emperor
In 2002, we were getting $1600/mo on a 4-bedroom rental in a nice part of West Cobb County, Georgia. In 2008, we were lucky to get $1100 on a similar property. When that happens, if your monthly cash flow isn't better than $500 (and ours definitely was not), you're going to be in a world of hurt. Now imagine holding a portfolio of 20-30 of these bloodsuckers. U-G-L-Y!
The way you survive a downturn is to maintain solid cash flow throughout. Cash flow is what keeps you from making bad decisions out of desperation.
So, what about cash? Isn't cash king? Sure, having cash is always nice, but only as a means to buy cheap cash flow. Having cash is a means to an end, not the end itself. If you're still holding a big bag of cash once the downturn is over, you missed your grand opportunity.
When the world turns upside down, only those who sustain positive cash flow will survive. And, those who can GROW it will really thrive.
Don't Fear the Reaper; Embrace the Carnage
We spent most of the Great Recession trying really hard not to die, financially.
Our total assets saw a 20-25% drop in value. Rents backed off as much as 30%. Life generally sucked. Seriously sucked.
But, while we were cowering in a bunker barely surviving the storm, others went on an epic acquisition spree that will probably not be rivaled in my lifetime. Hysterical sellers, banks and owner-occupants alike, abandoned properties for pennies on the dollar. Those who were stable enough to snag these deals made a fortune.
Now that I'm a survivor, I eagerly await the next downturn. I intend to be ready to pounce on some awesome opportunities. For us that means ditching marginal properties now and streamlining our financials to eliminate fat and inefficiency.
How are you preparing for the next phase of the Cycle? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Comments (10)
Great post Mitch! Another reason as to why I believe taking an Anti-Fragile approach to Real Estate Investing is the way to go. Protecting oneself against overleveraging seems to be a vital component for new investors to understand.
Peter Ramirez, almost 5 years ago
@Peter Ramirez I agree 100%: The concept of anti-fragility perfectly sums up my ideal real estate investing approach! (Not a bad LIFE philosophy, either!)
Mitch Messer, over 4 years ago
Given what is currently happening, what specific items would you update on your blog post?
Pete Abilla, almost 5 years ago
Hey @Pete Abilla, thanks for reading! Per your comment, I wouldn't change a thing, but I *would* add THREE specific actions to take. I've identified each of them in this latest blog post: https://www.biggerpockets.com/...
Mitch Messer, almost 5 years ago
Hi Mitch,
Thanks for making this post. The real estate investing world is on fire right now, and it can be hard to filter out whose advice to take. Personally, I take market cycles into a lot of consideration in my investment strategy, so I prefer listening to investors who have held investments in '08. Dropping rents, vacancies, etc. -- these are the things very few people are talking about right now but I think could be a reality.
I'm wondering -- if you were a new investor, what would you be doing right now in this market cycle, and to set yourself up to take advantage of the downturn?
I really appreciate if you have any thoughts!
Crystal An, about 5 years ago
@Crystal An Thanks for reading and commenting!
I can only tell you what I'm doing: Refining my deal criteria and then refusing to compromise!
If I SAY I only want nice 3/2 houses in B neighborhoods earning at least $200 in net cash flow and delivering 10% cash-on-cash returns, then I DON'T convince myself to buy that 3/1 in the war zone that barely breaks even JUST for the sake of doing a deal!
A BAD deal is always worse than NO deal!
Mitch Messer, about 5 years ago
Mitch, what a great introspective article. Having survived this and learning what you have will certainly put you in the place you want to be when the next debt driven downturn occurs. And it will. Nobody know when as you stated, but the cycle has to be getting close. Many new investors are over leveraging themselves and will take a dive. It may not be anything they have done wrong, but the banks will be calling the shots then and stopping lines of credit, etc. The ones who are prepared with thrive as you mentioned. No matter what investments we have Low to No debt on them will make all the difference.
Scott Smith, over 6 years ago
Thanks for reading, Scott! Here's to those of us who learned these lessons the hard way: We should all get t-shirts or something!
Mitch Messer, over 6 years ago
This is a great post and great advise. My only fear is that folks won't heed the warning. My investing focuses solely in the self storage sector which is known to be buffered (at least to some degree) against cyclical changes in the market. This is perhaps more true for me as I operate in secondary and tertiary markets that tend to roll a bit softer through the cycles. Even so, a good bit of my mental energy is geared toward structuring my investments to minimize downside. When faced with a pending "correction", I place an even greater emphasis on mitigating risk, even if that means lopping off a bit of the back end potential. Thanks for the post Mitch!
Michael Wagner, over 6 years ago
Mike, thank you for reading and for your thoughtful perspective! Yes, we have started looking at smaller markets beyond Metro Atlanta ourselves.
I also think you've struck absolute gold with your self storage concept. We really need our operation to be more counter-cyclical. I intend to be joining the Storage Rebellion very very soon!
Mitch Messer, over 6 years ago