How to Compete in the Short Sale Market
Wednesday, October 06
For any homeowner who is looking to sell his or her home in this current market, then they already know how difficult that challenge can be. With property values having plunged in the past couple of years, it can be troublesome to consider letting go of the investment made. It is also som...
Are Your Clients Ready to Buy a Home?
Thursday, September 30
When people have the approval in their possession, the approval for a home loan, common sense and practicality can often slip right out the window. Some people hold their collective breath waiting for word, others wonder what they will be approved for, and still others wonder about the ...
Keeping Your Head Up in Today's Market
Thursday, September 23
No one ever said that the real estate business was an easy one. With regulations, licensure, and laws that differ from state to state and sometimes even county to county, it can pose somewhat of a challenge to stay on top of your game. Aside from that, the challenges to find and secure ho...
Internet Marketing Strategies - Yes, For the Real Estate Market
Sunday, September 19
It doesn't matter whether you are a real estate agent, mortgage broker, loan officer, or have some other important job within the real estate market, you need people -potential clients- to know you exist. Half of the battle in earning commissions, closing deals, and selling homes or mortg...
Honesty in Flipping - What to Disclose
Saturday, September 18
This article is about flipping short sale properties, and the parameters associated with this are much different than other types of property sales and investment and should not be assumed to apply to other, more traditional forms of sales. Short sales, as most people are now aware, occur...
Is the Real Estate Market Ripe For Investing in 2010?
Tuesday, September 14
The past two years have been brutal for the real estate market around the country. No region has been spared. Not New York, not Washington, and certainly not California. Homes have lost incredible value from their peaks and homeowners are continuing to struggle mightily to keep their ho...