NPN Story: My First Time
Tuesday, August 27
We all remember the first time, don’t we? It was 2015 and I had some experience with rentals, but I had never gone all the way. I had never taken a non-performing note from start to finish before. I never had firsthand experience of the buying process, how to do due diligence, close the note buy...
NPN Story: Savannah Dog Lady
Wednesday, August 21
I’ve seen some terrible houses in my day. As a cop in Watts back in the 90s, I saw some pretty nasty crackhead houses and gangster crashpads. I’ve traveled to impoverished, third world countries and seen some real squalor. From 2011 to 2013, I bought dozens of condos in the Inland Empire (CA) and...
NPN Story: Mother Bails Out Deadbeat Son
Tuesday, August 13
How far would you go to financially support your grown-up child who had a family of his or her own? Would you make some mortgage payments for him or her? Sure, that’s pretty normal. Would you let your son transfer a property to you and take out a loan so that he could avoid paying his creditors? ...
Verifying Accredited Investor Status
Tuesday, September 25
In order to invest in a private placement offering, the Sponsor needs to verify the status of an Investor. The SEC provides definitions for individuals and entities that are considered Accredited Investors. These definitions are described in Rule 501 of Regulation D. You can see the definitions h...