Is Nouveau Riche Closing Down?
I was just surfing the web and came across a very interesting article on a site call Black Box Social Media. The site does not have anything to do with real BUT I found it interesting this is one of the only places I can find information on the closing of the Nouveau Riche Real Estate College,
Here is what I found out so far by the article that I just read here --- > http://bit.ly/ihwkjt
The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Nouveau Riche, formerly known as Nouveau Riche University or NRU, made the announcement last night that as of December 31, 2010 the real estate investment college will stop being sold. Any consumer orders will be fulfilled until the first quarter of 2012, but after that the once great real estate investment college will be no more.
The Future of Nouveau Riche? Read the entire story here --- > http://bit.ly/ihwkjt
I really don’t know what else to say, really the article sums everything up. It’s just interesting after all this time. Nouveau Rich had great education but everything has its place and time I guess.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Your best,
Tom Bukacek
Here is what I found out so far by the article that I just read here --- > http://bit.ly/ihwkjt
The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Nouveau Riche, formerly known as Nouveau Riche University or NRU, made the announcement last night that as of December 31, 2010 the real estate investment college will stop being sold. Any consumer orders will be fulfilled until the first quarter of 2012, but after that the once great real estate investment college will be no more.
The Future of Nouveau Riche? Read the entire story here --- > http://bit.ly/ihwkjt
I really don’t know what else to say, really the article sums everything up. It’s just interesting after all this time. Nouveau Rich had great education but everything has its place and time I guess.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Your best,
Tom Bukacek