Effects of Mortgage Delinquencies on Ones Credit Score
Friday, May 28
Found this on money.cnn.com and thought I'd share the highlights. This information helps me answer one of the more frequently asked questions when performing a short sale: "How will a short sale effect my credit score?"In the past, FICO has been very secretive about this issue, and as such, we i...
1099 for everything over $600 a year!
Wednesday, May 26
Part of the Health Care Reform Act:Starting in 2012, all business payments or purchases that exceed $600 in a calendar year will need to be accompanied by a 1099 filing. Until now, payments to corporations have been exempt from 1099 rules, as have payments for the purchase of goods. Now you will ...
Real Estate Momentum Since Tax Credit Ended
Wednesday, May 26
I was curious if anyone has seen a slow down in their real estate business since the tax credit went away?In Austin, the general consensus is that Title Companies are busy with the rush of home sales that occurred at the end of the month but aren't really taking on too much recent business. How ...
The Results of the Home Affordable Modification Program is....
Tuesday, May 25
An F minus. April was not a good month for loan modification results, and the cumulative results has been rather disappointing as well. According to CNN.Money.com, more than 122,000 borrowers had their trial mortgage modifications canceled in April, bringing the total to 277,640 sinc...