This Is Why Your Marketing Is NOT Working!
Very few people understand the process of real marketing (I was one of them) I thought Marketing was just putting stuff out there as much as I could to the maximum number of people possible on this Earth trying to SELL something to get money quick.
But later I realized that "SPAM" is actually the right word to describe what I thought "Marketing" was.
You SEE. Most of us think that in order to promote ourselves or our businesses we have to be in every corner of this planet, we tend to think that if we are in front of every eye we will do a lot of business, but that's not true. Instead we are "SPAMMING" others to the point that we could be hated and all of our marketing efforts could turn against us in a very negative way.
Marketing hasn't CHANGED! never. What have changed is the media we use to deliver our messages to the public. That is a thing we have to be aware of! MARKETING is not the TV, is not the RADIO, is not the NEWSPAPER, is not FLYERS, it isn't BUSINESS CARDS, Marketing is not BILLBOARDS not even WEBSITES or ADS on Magazines. ALL of these are ONLY the MEDIA used to DELIVER whatever we want to offer.
MARKETING is VALUE delivered only to the right people with the only purpose of getting prospects to KNOW us, LIKE us and TRUST us. Or better known as the "K - L - T" term.
Most of the time we offer FREE Value solving an specific problem of an audience or NICHE, they will KNOW US (Know who we are, what we do and how we can help them) LIKE US (By offering HELP for free or low cost with the only intention to demonstrate the quality of our work or service) Finally they will TRUST US (They know our intentions and the quality of our service. Now people want their family and friends to know about YOU too because they trust you!) Then and only Then the business relationship starts building from there.
You See! the approach is totally different! Some of us think that SELLING is the approach but it isn't. Providing Quality VALUE is the right way to do it. NO ONE WANTS TO BE SOLD!
When someone approaches you with a bunch flyers at Walmart speaking very fast something that seems to be a memorized script (That you don't even know what they are talking about) Your response is almost immediately a NO THANK YOU. because you already know that they want you to buy something and you don't have time for that. Am I right?
- Provide as much value as possible to the right people (Only people who need your help)
- Offer your help for FREE or LOW cost (Do your best always and deliver professional and high quality results)
- Once people K - L - T YOU start building and scaling up the business relationship
The world is changing there's no doubt. And technology is making it happen even faster!
There is no other way around YOU have to be where PEOPLE'S ATTENTION IS!
As an example let's just say that you sell candy, ice cream or kids related foods and then you go to an executive building trying to sell ice cream and lollipops to a bunch of attorneys. Even when some of them would buy, it isn't the right market.
You want to be nearby schools, parks, or any other places where is very common to find parents with their children.
Does that make sense? is basic right?
Well, believe it or not. Many of us don't apply it. We think that everyone needs our service or product, but it's not true.
We have to have the right tools that helps us find out WHO our right prospects are, WHERE they are, WHAT the want and HOW I have to approach them.
Many people still think that ADS in the Newspaper or any other printed materials are going to get them business.
Many still thinking that RADIO ADS are going to bring more clients to their doors.
Many still trust in TV to get people to buy a product or service.
I'm not saying that these methods don't work, what I am saying is that they don't perform as well as the new opportunities that the INTERNET brought to this new era.
Now days people don't watch TV that often. They have YOUTUBE now or NETFLIX
Even when we still listen to the radio, let's be honest. We are spammed with commercial we don't even care. We just want to listen to our favorite music. But also many people can just sync their smartphones with the car and listen to SPOTIFY.
When people want to know something or are looking for information of any kind they don't go to the newspaper any more the go to GOOGLE where they can read BLOG POST from different sources or even better, watch videos.
People's attention has made a shift from the OLD MEDIA to the NEW MEDIA where everything is syndicated in a SINGLE, SMALL, PORTABLE device. "YOUR SMARTPHONE"
That being said! That's where you want to put your efforts. Use the NEW MEDIA "INTERNET" to deliver your message to the people who needs you. There are a lot of tools out there that can help you to TRACK your ideal clients so you can help them.
Many people need your help but they don't know you exist. They are not going to wait in front of the TV hoping some commercial solve their problems, or waiting until a radio commercial spot is played. They are looking for help desperatly in the Internet.
BE THERE! is your responsibility to help them. SHOW them how you can provide them value.
- Use the right media for your business (I recommend you spend most of your efforts building your online presence.) "INTERNET"
- FACEBOOK ADS, INSTAGRAM ADS, YOUTUBE ADS and Video content are the ones that bring the most of the results now.
Now that you know the APPROACH and the NEW MEDIA to deliver your Message to the right people, you have to have a SYSTEM in place that manages all the work for you.
This system is going to AUTOMATE as much as possible your MARKETING, your CLIENTS ACQUISITION, BUILDING your RELATIONSHIP with them, your VALUE delivering process. so you can focus more in growing your business and personal SKILLS.
There are many ways to do things online but what I'm going to recommend you to use is a "FUNNEL"
This FUNNEL is going to be your SYSTEM.
A FUNNEL is not a website (although it looks like a website)
A WEBSITE is a space where you can showcase everything your business is about. It has all the information your prospects need in order to know about you, but it has many many distractions and many links to click on that leads to NOWHERE.
A FUNNEL instead, is a strategically sequence of online pages with no other information but ONLY the one message or VALUE we want to deliver to our prospects (No about us page, no contact us page, no blog page, no home page, non of that.)
Only a BIG HEADLINE addressing the MAIN BENEFIT your clients are going to get, a VIDEO explaining what you are about to deliver to them, A CALL TO ACTION so they can access what you promised (They can enter their names, phone or email address so you can continue to deliver more value in the future and build that long relationship)
The FUNNEL once built, will take care of it self and do the almost all of the work for you.
There are a lot of information out there on how you can build this system and also to create and deliver the right message to the right audience.
It's true. You have to learn some techy terms and learn how to do everything but is worth it.
I've spent around eight years with technology and about two years learning the marketing side. But thanks to that now I'm able to share with you everything I've learned.
If you trust in the power of Marketing using the internet but you don't really want to mess with all these fancy strategies and technological stuff You just can hire someone to do it for you.
Keep Reading. I will be sharing even more cool Stuff to help you with your REAL ESTATE Career.
I hope you'd find this blog post valuable.
Sincerely MARIO!