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Stand out from the crowd by being a "multi-purpose" wholesaler

Friday, April 24

The traditional route of wholesaling where all you know is one formula to come up with your all-cash offer.... is drowned out by all the others with the same business operation.  But if you want to stand out among the hordes of wholesalers, instead, you can do what my good friend Jeremy Resmer, a...

"Leaving Sellers Naked and Afraid"

Friday, March 27

So, the title there is a quote from a local Investor that I interviewed in my "Deals Today" Podcast which he WASN'T talking about scamming people or tricking them or lying to them....        He was actually talking about storytelling and getting information out of sellers. The reason why I int...

Finding Hordes of Buyers on Facebook - Expert Interview

Wednesday, March 25

Ok, with the whole talks of Coronavirus and whether or not it'll be hard to assign your deals... I decided to post up an Interview I did on my "Deals Today" Podcast. I think it's relevant for today. So, If you’re curious about using Facebook to enhance your business and attract cash buyers, then ...

4 reasons why mobile homes profit better than SFR

Wednesday, September 05

If you’re in an area with mobile home parks or land with mobile homes on them, you can benefit big by incorporating mobiles home into your investing strategy. Mobile home investing is often overlooked by investors who are more interested in the shiny-object of single family flipping or rentals.By...

Real estate investing meet ups are a waste of time, unless you do this

Thursday, August 23

I might have pulled the brakes on a lot of people there. But before you get all riled up... let me explain.This article is two-fold. First, it lists the problems with going to REI meet-ups and how to shift your mindset if you do go. And second, the problem with networking and how to fix it. Why R...

5 lessons from My mobile home flop

Monday, August 06

One of my first mobile home investments was a flop.It seemed like a good idea. But I did all the rookie mistakes. In fact, I remember telling myself when I purchased it, “what’s the worst that can happen..? I lose $20,000? Big deal. It’s only money”.Fortunately, I didn’t lose $20K. I only lost $1...