Managing Multifamily Tenants on Lockdown
Is your multifamily property located in an area under lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic? If so, then your next priority should be on the well-being and care of your residents.
Coronavirus has placed many cities on lockdown and multifamily investors will need to ensure that their assets are fully prepared for the weeks to come.
Let’s take a look at a few ways you can manage a multifamily property in the midst of a lockdown.
Stock up on essential supplies
When your multifamily property’s area is on lockdown, it’s important to know that there are restrictions to movement, which means you can only purchase supplies when you really have to. This is why stocking up on the essentials is important for you and your residents.
First and foremost, focus on a few important items when you are buying in bulk:
- Food
- Water
- Hand sanitizers
- Alcohol
- Medicine
Keep your multifamily stocked with essentials that your residents will need as they stay in their respective units.
Maintain communication with your residents
Keeping your residents informed about the current situation is important because you want them to prepare at their own capacity.
Don’t leave your multifamily tenants in the dark. Keep them updated on the latest news and announcements within the community. That being said, you should also cooperate with local authorities on what to do.
Additionally, talk to your residents and ask them if they’re doing alright. Provide what assistance you can as we are all in this crisis together.
Enforce strict travel policies in your multifamily
If there are strict rules against traveling outside or if traveling can be difficult in your city, encourage your residents to stay at home as much as they can if possible.
If your residents really have to head outside for supplies or for work then remind them to disinfect and follow basic health tips such as washing their hands and keeping themselves from touching their faces or coming from crowded areas in the city.
Health authorities say that the best way to contain the virus is to limit social interaction. There is still a lot more to learn about the virus so everyone shouldn’t take their chances with it.
The best we can do now is to stay abreast of the news and do our part in putting a stop to the crisis and ending the lockdown.